How Long After You Get Your Membrains Stippined
2 Replies
I had my membrains stripped today at 9:00 am and have been having some mild to moderate irregular contractions since. Let me also say that I have been having contactions for 2 weeks and am dialated to a 3 and 75%. I was wanting to know how long should it take to actually really do something and what kind of time frame any of you experienced after this. Thanks
with my first baby, the doctor did this at 38 weeks for me. He said to go home and have s_x after. I did, my water broke on my husband (ahhhhh) and had a baby girl 12 hours later. Good luck.
My doctor stripped my membranes at 11:00 and had some mild cramping the rest of the day. The next day around noon I started having contractions and had him 11:25pm that night. I was 4 cm dilated and it was the day before my due date. I ended up having him on my due date!! He is 13 days old now and such a doll!!