How Much Longer Till Labor
2 Replies
I am currently 38w3d. I had my membranes stripped Thursday, and at that time she told me I was 2-3 cms dialated, anterior cervix, effacing, baby's head was engaged and she could feel my amniotic sac. I have been losing my mucous plug since yesterday (Saturday) morning, and have had a definate increase in discharge today. Had some contractions off and on all weekend, but nothing regular. ALOT of pelvic pressure, some lower backache and alot of intestinal discomfort. ANYONE have any idea how much longer till I can expect to go into labor? My first child.
Just a quick question....why did they strip your membranes???
My doctor wanted to see if she could get things moving along, but she said the biggest thing they find is that women who have their membranes stripped are much less likely to go past their due date. I've had alot of fluid retention, so she doesnt really want me to go past.