Hi,i seen where you were talking about being in preterm labor,to someone else's post,You said when you got cramps your back would also cramp,well how long did this happen before decided to go to the hospital?B/C i am feeling that exact same way.I am 31wks and have been having period like cramps for at least 3wks and with every cramp i get my back also hurts real bad,but only when im cramping.Any info would be appreciated.
| rk - January 17 |
Hi I didn't even realize I was having contractions, I thought they were gas pains or something! Then that night they seemed to be more intense and I had lower back pain. That's when I said, time to call the dr! Turns out I was dehydrated and that can cause preterm labor. I would definately let your dr know about your cramping! Drink a lot of water also! Hope this helps & keep me posted!!
RK,thank you for getting back to me.I went to the doctor today and he told me it sounds like false labor.I have other kids but this pregnancy seems so different.I guess it's normal to have false labor?I dont recall ever having it before with my other kids.Im cramping right now as i type this to you.Where are you from?I live in missouri.
| rk - January 17 |
Rhonda I'm glad you went to the dr. It's better to be safe than sorry. I guess it's normal, I'm not sure though. I live in NJ. How many kids do you have? This is my first so I'm a nervous reck!
RK,I have a 4yr old,2yr old&11mos old.But this pregnancy is so different than the others.I never had cramping like this when i was pregnant with them.And with my other kids i gained a ton of weight,but this pregnancy i barely gained weight.but my doctor dont seem concerned.Do you know what you are having?Have a name picked out yet?Congratulations(especially since this is your first)I bet you are a nervous wreck.I am to! and i already have three kids.How old are you?Im 30(i feel old)
| rk - January 18 |
Wow sounds like you've got your hands full! I'm having a boy we're naming him Christian after my grandfather and that was also my dad's middle name. I'm soon to be 37 in Feb & not too happy about it!! I've been seeing a high risk dr since I had a previous m/c last year. He's on top of everything! It stinks because he's got me on bedrest and no driving! I think I'm going to go crazy here!! lol
RK, i bet you are about to go crazy! i would hate to be on bed rest,but i guess if thats what is needed to ensure you and baby stay doing good,then i guess it's a good thing.Ya i do have my hands full.Im trying to get 2yr old to potty train(not an easy task) I have had a total of 3 m/c.two of them were due to my progestrone being low and the last one i lost before i even knew i was pregnant,and that was b/c my dad just died,and i took it really hard.I think Christian is a beautiful nameMy cousin had a baby that was still born and she named him Christain LaSavior.
| rk - January 19 |
Sorry about your miscarriages too! I had the same problem with progesterone. They gave me supplements when I got preg & took them for the first trimester.
I had my first two m/c close together,so when i was pregnant with my 4yr old,i had to take progestrone pills&shots all the way up to the end of my 8th mos.Then my next pregnancy and the rest of them my progestrone level was good on it's own.