What DID Put You Into Labor
66 Replies
Castrol oil worked for my first 2 getting swipped worked with my last one and nothing i have tried every-thing and still no baby due next friday and already 5cm dialated
jaggers, now you made me laugh, you surely meant castor oil, and not castrol, as in motor oil :D
whatever it is... both of them sound quite disgusting
I had my membranes stripped the friday before i went in labor. And the day i went into labor i had s_x a few times. Towards the end of my pregnancy, s_x would always cause contractions for a few hours. But the last time i started having contractions and they never stopped
Orgasms, have a couple of them a day. It releases oxytocin which is what causes your uterus to contract. I had one or two a day for about a week straight and went into labour on my due date.
Also it was my 3rd pregancy and I had to be induced with the first 2 for being 2 weeks overdue with both. So i thought I would try this and it seemed to work for me.
Hello Everyone... just a quick messsage that i hope will
change your mind if you are thinking of using Casor Oil to
start your labor.. I am 22 years old and have a Preemie Babie Now DUE to CASTOR OIL.I did not know much about castor oil and pregnancy and took it when i thought i was 36 1/2 weeks i look 4 tbsp of this in a gla__s of orange juice. it definetly put me in labor with really bad pains!!! when My little girl came out they had said she was only 33 weeks old. It was the hardest thing to deal with and hard to see her... she was hooked up to a bunch of machines as well she had a IV In her Belly B___ton. She was in the hospital for quiet some time and It Broke my heart...So PLEASE if you are thinking of doing this think long and hard of what you will be doing ...If i could turn back time i would not have done this to my little baby...