Whats Going On -pg112429056418
3 Replies
About mid last week my discharge increased alot, now it has slowed (I guess I was loosing my mucus plug right?) A few days ago I started having some back pains (in the lower left above my bottom and some in my right going down my leg). I can feel the baby's head right above my pelvic bone and my doc said I was dialated a little more than a finger tip (that was friday). Sometimes I feel minor cramps for about 30 seconds but only a few in a row. The other day my dog jumped up on my leg and drug her nails down my right leg. I moved her away with my left leg and thought she cut me when I felt a warm fluid going down my leg. When I went to look at the cut there was none and the warm liquid I felt looked only like water (and I know it didnt come off my dog because she'd been inside). Yesterday I suddenly felt withdrawn and wanted to be left alone and didnt want to talk to anyone and I still kinda feel that way today. I have waken up every night since last wed. with extreme pelvic pains and Im so restless I cant sleep and have to get up and pace. I feel ALOT of painful pressure near my cervix but its no menstral like. Today I get sudden bursts of energy and then get really tiered. What is going on with me? Am I about to go into labor? Im due sunday...
I am due in a week and am feeling everything that you are describing and have been for a couple weeks now. I got excited thinking that I was going to go into labor, but no such luck. I guess it just happens when it happens.
| KT - August 17 |
If you think u may have lost a bit of your waters, you have to go to the doctors. You are open for infection once the waters break and should really have the baby within the next 48hours after the waters breaking.
best go get it checked out hun
good luck xo
If I were you I would go see your doctor and if not yours then to the hospital to be checked. You can never be to careful especially at this point in the pregnancy. Its better to be safe then sorry. It could be that your water has broken but its leaking slowly KT is right about infections plus its not good for the baby. I am 39 weeks today, havent had any fluids leak other then discharge but if i had I would for sure check it out. Let me know what happens. I know what you mean by wanting to be alone and then getting bursts of energy, im like that daily. Maybe it means labour will start soon! HOPEFULLY!!!! :)