Im 38 weeks today and went to the dr tuesday and was barely 2 centimeters dialted then had to go back for an emergency visit today because i had contractions all night and the baby stopped moving... the baby is fine she wasnt stressed out or anything but now im dialated to 3 and the dr sent me home again... when will they let me go to the hospital? or induce? I cant sleep at night nor eat because of the contractions making me feel sick and i dont know what to do! Please help!
my doctor told me they wont induce until 41 weeks...*ugh* they sent me home with contractions too.They also told me i could come back 4 cm and if i didnt dialate w/ in an hour they would send me home again...i dont understand why at that point they cant induce...Good Luck and if they get 5 minutes apart and you cant walk or talk during them they say thats when you go in
I feel your pain. I was 2 cm dialated and have probably dialated to more since I had a night the other day with ctxs 4 minutes apart and 45 seconds long that stopped. At this point I just wish they would induce me already! I am already 4 days past my due date.
They tried inducing me yesterday and it didnt work! i cant believe it! they are going to try again monday (the day before my 21st birthday!!!) if i havent had her by then or went into labor on my own by then they had my contractions regular and i thinned out some more during the induction but i didnt dialate anymore so... we are STILL waiting!