Anybody Had A Natural Labour After Induce
4 Replies
hi, im due today but still no sign of baby. i was induce at 38 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy because my baby was very small. the pain was very intensed. i am pregnant again with my 3rd child and due today but so far baby doesnt want to come out yet! has anyone had a natural labor after the being induced? i was wondering how does the contraction start and how painful it is between the two. which one do you think is more painful? and how long was your labor?
I was induced with my first because my water broke with no real contractions after. 6 hours from the time they induced, I had a perfect baby boy. 2 years later I went into labor on my own and 8 hours later, my 9lb 13 oz daughter was born. I did not think that the contractions from the induction were more painful. It did seem to me however, that they were closer together. I had lees of a break between them even earlier on. Best wishes for an easy delivery!
i was induced at 42 weeks with my daughter 3 years ago.. the labor was 17 hours total (from the time they started pitocin until she was born), but i didn't have pains until my water broke and i had my daughter 3 hours later. i was scheduled to be induced with my son at 41 weeks, 5 days, and the night before i went into labor on my own. the contractions started really fast and hard, and i had my son three hours later (an hour and a half after i got to the hospital). i would have to say both of the labors hurt equally, but when i went naturally it shocked me so much the pain felt worse because i wasn't expecting it, whereas when i was induced i was just waiting for them to start, so when they did, it didn't phase me so much. my son is now 4 weeks old tomorrow, and i am soooo glad i got to see what it was like to go into labor on my own!! i hope things go well for you! good luck!!
i was induced with my first 3 kids at 42 weeks, but the 4th was natural at 41 and a few days. if you're induced the contrctions usually start in about half an hour , if it works. (sometimes it doesn't.) induced / not induced- they both hurt!! good luck!
hiya..i'm from aus and by your name i'm guessin you are too.....i was induced and although it wasn't all natural i only had gas...every now and then...and that was really all i needed! My labor was only two and a half hours and i now have a gorgeous little girl thats two months old!!