Cost Of Having A Baby In Australia
9 Replies
hi guys i'm from Australia and i was reading the cost of having a baby in America and it's rediculous.Here to have a baby in hospital is free and we are given $5,000 from the government.
i read somehwere on here how in america ya pay too i thought i was reading wrong. yeah i couldnt picture paying to give birth lol i think its normal to get paided with all we go through! lol
I live in Perth in Australia and have had four babiesm every one of them paid without a cent for prenatal care, or for afterwards and we get a 'baby bonus' - with my first child it was $800 abck in 1996, it's gone up to $4000 now, and for next financial year $5000...I guess the birth rate has gone down considerably, but yes, we need to get paid to go through what we endure hey ladies?! I had a homebirth last time and only paid $100 fee for the entire prenatal visits, ad afterwards as well...DH just had his major pectoral muscle reattached by a private surgeon and it cost us all up under $500 - it was really amazing how it happened though, the surgeon was very kind and generous with us. We have an awesome system over here, but I do think it is going down and changing alot to...
Hi ladies I am from America well I think you guys have awesome plan in Australia cause here in America you have to buy the insurance which you pay almost $280 a month. You suppose to have this insurance before you get pregnant, once you are pregnant every time you visit doctor you have to pay $20 whcih is a co-payment and plus $10 co-payment for medication. If for some reasons you ending up going to the emergency the copayment is $100, and when you have you baby you pay for hospital stay not the whole amount but some part of it which I am not sure I think $ 50-100 a day. so that is the story of average people with private insurace.
well with the health care employees Like us my husband is a residest ( student doctor) we have insurance through his work. I am pregnant and we are not paying anything montly all i have to pay $20 copayment + the emergency and no hospital at all. I think we had the gr8 benifit even though we don't get pay to make babies but it is a gr8 plan and I can go to any doctor i want to primary care physician. thanks gals
I don't have the total of ALL my doctors visits is 2,200...thats not including ultrasounds or delivery either. Its really insane but I have a thing called maternity card. So that when I get an ultrasound and I deliver, they pay either 60% or 70% of the bills and I just pay the all in all thats good minus the whole me having to pay insurance. But my husband only pays like 20 dollars a check for insurance (but he gets paid weekly)
Wow. So basically being poor is the way to be if you want to have a baby in America. My BF and I make very little money so we qualify for State Aid. Everything that has to do with my pregnancy has been free for me. Docs visits, u/s, hospital emergencies, and my hospital stay are all free. Oh and I also qualify for WIC (women, infant, children) benefits. So I get three WIC checks a month to help out with buying groceries. It's pretty nice. :) Still...moving to Australia sounds very tempting. To not have to be poor as dirt to have a child and still make out on top would be great.
I am from Australia and I didn't realise how lucky we had it over here. I pay $48 to visit the Dr and then something like $32 is re-imbursed by medicare. No hospital charges unless a private hospital. Have to pay for u/s but most of it is also re-imbursed. And I am only now finding out that the baby bonus has risen to $5000... was $800.
I say my hubby and I move to Australia lol or if I go to Arizona we can get everything free too cause over n Arizona if you are indian, half indian...or married to an indian you get a number that allows every hospital and doctors visit to be free. So thats a plus marrying into an indian family lol