17 Replies
Hi everyone. Just wanted to write to see if anyone was/is in the same position as me. I am 38/3 weeks pregnant with my second child and I have gone in to 'labor' twice now!! This has happened 2 weekends in a row where I was getting contractions about 15 mins apart for 7 hours. I assumed this was labor as they were totally the same crampy contractions as early labor. (these definatly werent Braxton Hicks) With my first baby this was how labor started, mild/moderate crampy contractions started it all off then over a total of 36 hours they increased in pain until I was giving birth. I am very confused!! How come this has happened twice and still no baby? My midwife has given me two membrane sweeps and I am only bout 3cms dialated. Does anyone have any similar stories? Id love to hear about women who had this before they finally gave birth - how long did it go on for? how long was the labor? I love hearing birth stories thanks!
A doctor told me 3 days ago that if I get contractions 10-20 min apart, it means the uterus is just getting ready and to call if they get 5 min or less apart.
| Amy - August 16 |
I can totally relate! I've been having tons of false labor this week. It definately doesn't feel false, this is my second baby also, but eventually it just goes away. It is very agrivating and I'm tired of it. Hope you have your baby soon, (and me too!) good luck keep us posted.
| Amy - August 17 |
ha! wow its nice to hear that someone else is going through the same thing! I agree, it is pretty agrivating and im also very tired of it! Everyone keeps saying "oh dont get hooked in to it" and "she'll come when she's ready" or even worse - "Are you sure its not just braxton hicks!" grrr
Every time I get those contractions I think "this is it!" I reckon when labor finally does come I wont believe it!!
Anyway, I will keep you posted and yes please let me know what happens with you! My midwife said I could try castor oil if I really wanted to get things moving but I dont really fancy it!!
Also saw her on Tuesday and she said that if I start getting 7hour contractions on consecutive days that she will have to get me in the hospital to have a look. At the moment its only happened days apart. (the 7hour stints that is) otherwise its just put up with it!
well hear from you soon
| Amy - August 17 |
I'm afraid I won't recognize real labor either. I had false labor with my 1st baby also but not nearly as much. The doc kept saying oh dont worry you'll know when it is real. But when they induced me it felt exactly the same. I'm afraid by the time I realize that it's real it will be time for the baby to come out which makes me really nervous because my husband works 3 hours away and is gone for a week at a time, I don't want him to miss it. Plus now the baby'd head is engaged so when I have contractions I feel a lot of pressure! Scarry! Anyway my blood pressure went up this week so maybe I'll get lucky and they'll just induce me. I'll let you know. Hope next time yours is real, otherwise hang in there!
| KT - August 17 |
ah yes, my babies head is engaged too, has been for 3 weeks which is another wierd thing. 2nd babies arent supposed to drop until labor has started! Apparently the head is at station +3!
+5 is out! so its pretty close!
Amy, sounds like we really are going thru the same thing....
its morning here (I live in NZ) and ive got terrible dull cramping, trying to ignore it......
| Amy - August 17 |
My cramps never go away I've felt like my period is going to start any time forever! You get used to it. I didn't think that second babies were supposed to drop either weird that we are both having such similar symptoms. The pressure is what is getting me it feels kind like I have to go to the bathroom every time a get a contraction.
| KT - August 17 |
yeah know what u mean about feeling like youre about to get ur period! thats sooo how it feels!
I read something on another board about drinking 4 tsp of brown sugar with water to induce labor so ive just done it. I dont wanna try the castor oil even tho my midwife said it would be ok to do it in a week or so.
ill let u know what happens - probably nothing as usual!
and yes i too feel like i have to go to the bathroom everytime i get a contraction. Also after I go it gets really intense.
At least knowing we have similar symptoms kinda normalises it for me. I was worrying that my body cant go in to labor for some reason and that its been trying! At least now maybe its common in second pregnancies.
| Amy - August 17 |
Let me know how the brown sugar is doing I heard that to although I'm not sure why it would do anything, I'll try anything except castor oil I can't imagine giving myself cramps and diareaha on purpose and be in labor on top of it, I'm not quite that desperate at least not yet. I'm hoping the doc will just break my water either Friday or Monday. Anyways let me know if the brown sugar has started your labor or not. Do you know what youre having?
| KT - August 17 |
yep im having a girl. My son is 20months so im happy now i got one of each (even if it is going to kill me having 2 so close together!)
What about you?
as for the brown sugar thing, well with my son when he was a baby the nurse told me I could put a teeny bit in some water for him and that it would help his constipation. She said not to use too much or he would get diarreah. Therefore I thought that this theory might work on adults.
ill let u know
soooo not prepared to do the castor oil thing!! lol
| Amy - August 17 |
How long is the brown sugar supposed to take? Is that the whole reason that foods put you in labor, if they make you sick and cramp up your stomach it will bring on labor? That sounds bad to me I have irritable bowel syndrome, I dont need any help! LOL! I have a girl who will be 3 Oct 30, and am expecting a boy this time, (really excited to have one of each.) Kinda nervous about all the boy stuff, I've really never been around a baby boy since I've been old enough to remember. I'm sure it will come naturally when he's here like everything else. I think you're better off having a 20 mo. old and a new baby, mine just gets more and more onry the older she gets. She is so spoiled and used to being the center of our universe I think we might have a rough adjustment ahead of us. I also have an almost 6 year old stepdaughter, but we only see her a couple of times a month, so it's not really like having 2.
| KT - August 18 |
i heard that all first born children feel a great sense of loss when a sibling is born. Psycologists call it 'Dethroanment' Apparently it is totally unavoidable but totally normal. When I read this I felt so sad cos the last thing I want is for my little boy to feel sad. At least you can talk to your daughter I guess, make it a bit easier. You never know, ur daughter might feel a sense of responsibility for her little brother?? -guess u will have to wait and see.
I hope it goes well and I hope my little man copes alright.
I feel the same way u do about having a girl- I have no idea what to do! Plus girls seem way more emotional than boys- as in, they know how to play you! Im gonna be a sucker i know it!
One thing im told tho is that they are much more chilled than little boys. I really hope so cos my son is a terror! he's good really but man, totally totally hyper.
And about the food thing with inducing labor- yep apparently thats all it is with the castor oil, just stimulates the muscles around the cervix which starts the whole thing off. Hmm I definatly wouldnt recommend it with your irritable bowl syndrome - ur right, u soooo dont need that!
So far not much happened with the brown sugar apart from feeling a bit more crampy (great.) haha
I did 'sweep' my own membranes earlier so will see what that does.
KT, How did you sweep your own membranes?
| Amy - August 18 |
Yeah my little girl is getting excited about the baby but I'm not sure she understands that he will be here all the time and she will have to share us, I have had some guilty feelings off and on throughout this pregnancy about putting her through all of it too, but the baby is on the way what can you do. My contractions started up again last night but what do you know, they are gone again this morning, surprise surprise. You would think I would get used to it and b__w it off, but I still get my hopes up every time. How do you strip your own membranes? Did your midwife teach you how. I had never heard of doing it before coming on this web site, I wonder if my doctor would do it tomorrow when I go in, it's supposed to help things along isnt it? Does it hurt? Talk to you later bye.
| Amy - August 18 |
Thanks for the info. How are you doing today? Any baby? I tried stripping mine as well after I looked at that site, I'm dialtated farther today I can tell, not sure how far though and after I did this I am cramping and spotting a little, so maybe I'll get lucky I am trying everything I can to go in to labor today or tomorrow because my husband just got home for his week off hopefully something will work. I wrote down your email address and will email you if anything exciting happens I will also send you mine you're brave putting yours on here! Talk to you soon!
Thanks KT, I'm going to get my husband to try it tonight!
| KT - August 18 |
good luck Alley!
let us know how it goes!
Ive just tried to get my email address off now so I dont get virus's sent to me!
(Just incase anyone wonders where the message has gone that talks about the membrane website)