Anyone had their membranes stripped? just wondering if it works or what your experience was with it? My doctor is wanting to do mine but I'm not so sure?!!
My doctor told me that it is basically a pelvic exam and she just takes her finger and moves it around the cervix. She said that whenever they check your cervix itis basically a pelvic exam which i thought was weird because i thought it was more than that. Anyway she stripped mine the day before my due date and i am now 4 days past 40 weeks so it did nothing for me.
stripping your membranes is when the doctor tries to seperate the bag of waters from the cervix. they do it just like Ca__sJ said, they swush a finger around. you have to be atleast 1 cm dilated too (about a fingertip) i asked not to have it done, but its supposed to help alot : ]
I had mine done this morning, so we'll see what happens. It wasn't the most comfortable procedure, but it was quick. It can't hurt anything. If nothing happens, I will be induced at 6 a.m. Thursday morning. Oh, I was 3 cm dilated. I'll write back to let you all know if it worked.
I had my memebranes swept twice the second time I went into labor the next day but it also could have been cause the baby was ready. When I got mine done I was not dilated the first time so it did not work very good except I lost my mucous plug that weekend then the next time I went in I was onlu about a half a centimeter.
Well, no baby yet. I have just had some discharge (sorry tmi) and mild cramping, which I have had for the past few weeks.
it doesn't seem to work for everyone, I guess! I went to the dr yesterday and he didn't want to do it because Im only a centimeter dialated, he thought I would have progressed more in the past few weeks but I haven't!! GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR! anyway he said my cervix isn't ready yet so no reason to rush! humpf...all in due time I know!!!