my midwife suggested that i buy the vitamin rose hips and insert it and that should help soften my cervix and maybe start to dialate. Does this seem weird to anyone?
i have never heard of that before but that doesnt mean anything definatley wait and look into it more im sure she knows what she is talking about though.
i havent heard of that particular vitamin, but it's fairly common now days to use some sort of softening agent v____ally. i'd do a little reaserach before following that advice, i'd do the same if it was a doctor recomending cervilid. you just want to know what you're getting into. good luck!
There are two remedies I and my daughters have used. They both work. The first is to take Evening Primrose Oil the last couple of days before delivery. The second, and the one we used, 2 oz castor oil, 2 oz vodka, and 4 oz orange juice. Drink it and then take a hot shower. One hour later drink another, rub a few ounces of the castor oil directly on the stomach and cover with a warm cloth. Then one hour later, drink one more and take another hot shower. Within 3 to 5 hours later contractions will begin. Good luck!