Empty Sac 5 6 Weks Hcg Levels Doubling
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Hi ladies, was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I went to the doctor on 7/25 for the first time and they drew blood and did a va___al u/s. We saw the sac and she said the size was about 5-6 weeks but we couldnt see anything else. They must have been a little worried because they wanted me back the next day for more blood work to see if my HCG levels were doubling. My levels were 4,600 the first day and then almost 8,000 the next time. They told me that was just what they wanted to see so I was relieved for a moment. They also said it just might be to early. I also have been very lightly spotting old blood for 4 days at the same time every evening. The bleeding started after the internal exam. This made me nervous but the doc said if Im not cramping its okay/normal. I go back to the doc for another u/s on Monday and was just wondering if this has ever happened to anyone before and had good results. Thank you for any info.