Need Your Help Trying To Heal
2 Replies
This is my first time posting on any forum and I normally wouldn't but I just don't have any where else to turn too. My mc was at 11wks but my baby had stopped growing at 7.5wks. It has now been 2 months since I lost my baby and I am still struggling with it. I thought that I was healing well until Mother's Day rolled around. Since that day I have been awful - I feel so alone and depressed (even though I'm not). I've also become very hateful against my dh as well. Is this normal and will I ever move on past this? What should I do? Is there anything you can advise to help me heal from my loss?
Please help.
I had a miscarriage on April 15. I was close to 10 weeks but the baby only developed to 3 weeks. I'm still struggling too. Mother's Day sucked! I hate that people still ask me how the baby is. And tell me I can try again. I wish I had more answers as to why it happened. I thought I did everything right. I get mad and nasty and I tell my husband I'm just going to be mad for awhile. Then I get up and do something. I try to keep busy. Gardening has helped me a lot. It takes my mind off of everything.
Just keep thinking that if you were pregnant before, you will get pregnant again. Your new pregnancy will mean so much to you because of what you've gone through. I've recently miscarried and it has really made me appreciate the incredible pregnancy process when its successful. I don't think I would appeciate it this much if hadn't gone through this. Just keep trying and realize its no one's fault, just science. Be happy that your body recognized this baby wasn't meant to be.