Hi I am 31 years old. Just did my 11 weeks ultrasound and my fetus appeared to have a think NT , 4.1mm vs. the average of 3.5mm which indicated increased risk of abnormalities. I am very concerned as this is my first pregnancy and doc has advised me to go for Triple test when i am 15 weeks pregnancy. I am scared and seek advice whether there is high possibility of my baby not being normal. Please help... anyone
| jj - July 12 |
Does the 4.1mm refer to the clear ("translucent") space in the tissue at the back of your baby's neck? I have read that is what they measure for abnormalities. Babies with abnormalities tend to acc_mulate more fluid at the back of their necks during the first trimester, causing the clear space to be large apparently. It doesnt sound like a huge difference from normal to me but I dont really know enough about it. Remember its only a "chance" nothing is certain yet they always have to err on the side of caution so it may be nothing at all. I wish I could know what to say to make you feel better. I will pray all will be well at your next scan-what is the triple test is that like an amnio? Make sure they tell you any risks involved in the test and if it's possible to have a level 2 ultrasound as an alternative if there are any risks. I can't imagine how this must make you feel I hope the next 4 weeks pa__s quickly for you and that you will get rea__suring results then. Wishing you and your precious bundle lots of health and happiness.