Pregnant At 47 Need Advice
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I'm in my 8th week of my sixth pregnancy. I have four children from my first marriage (and had a miscarriage with my second pregnancy). I've been to the doctor's and my blood levels are on target. A va___al ultrasound was done and the heartbeat was good, and the baby was feeding off the yolk sac. A couple of days ago, though, I had a nightmare (something I rarely have). I had eaten some food before I went to bed and it upset my stomach, so I don't know if that's what caused the nightmare. Anyway, I woke up the next day and my stomach hurt (at the beginning of my small intestine). A day later, when I went to the bathroom, I had some spotting (red blood). I've had no spotting since, but periodic stomach cramps (in the same region as before). This wouldn't be a sign of impending miscarriage, would it? I've heard that, at my age, I have a greater than 50% chance of having a miscarriage, but am thinking that my tests were encouraging. Does anybody have any experience with something like this?