In Oct I went for a scan after 7 weeks as i was bleeding - they said they could see sac but no fetus - they also said i was only 5 and half weeks (although i had calaculated from my first day of last period) - anyhow they asked me come back after 10 days for a another scan - which i did - there was a heartbeat - however few day later i miscarried. 7 weeks pregant again - going for another scan as they said i could be scanned early (2 miscarriages prior) - no bleeding or pains so fingers crossed! - I would wait 10 days and ask for a re-scan!
hi mellissa. where do you live in texas? I live in austin.
I live in copperas cove...about an hour from austin. sorry to hear about your m/c.how are you dealing with it? i am okay most days... except that everywhere i go 75% of the women seem to be pregnant! i hate it. but i;m moving to colorado in 2 1/2 months and we're going to start trying again then. I can't wait!!
mellissa. hey there. give me an email. be easier that way.