Just Worrying Myself Sick

20 Replies
Terry - January 31

Hi, Beth, Tara & Cate. Hope you don't mind if I ask you for a little advice. My story is a little different but similar in ways it seems. I had my time of the month as usual this month on the 14-19. However, I was cramping along my backside so I decided to go in to the dr on the 19th and found out I was pregant with a hcg level of 36. Dr. said I may have miscarried with what I thought was my period. I stopped bleeding that day and felt fine at least no difference from usual. On Monday the 24th, I started spotting and went to the dr. who did another hcg test and it read 51. I have been spotting but nothing too heavy (could use the same pad all day) AND on Fri. 28, I felt slight cramping and went back. He checked my cervix which he said was closed and did another hcg test which read 69. Also, he did a u/s, but could not find anything. He believes it is just too early to see anything! I'm just making myself crazy and any little cramp or movement of the bowels just puts me in a panic and all I can think about is if I am miscarrying yet. Just want this baby so badly...it hurts.


Shelly - January 31

I'm so sorry to read this. I am going through a very similar situation. I also had heavy bleeding, cramping, and lower back pain immed after finding out I was pregnant. My HcG was only 13, Dr. said I was having a m/c. Since then my HcG has continued to increase slowly, just like yours. My levels increased to 56, then 78, then 107 over the course of a couple wks. I have also had intermittent pain and spotting since then. I am now 7 wks since my last period and they just did an u/s and saw only a bit of thickening of my uterine lining but nothing else. Also, no sign of a tubal pregnancy. But at these low HcG levels, they weren't really expecting to see anything anyway. At this pt Dr. a__sumes I had a m/c but some tissue has remained inside that is causing the HcG to increase. So, like you, every little pain and symptom is agonizing. The worst part is I have started having morning sickness and my b___sts hurt so bad. I'm anxious to hear what your Dr. has to say and how he is helping you through this.


Terry - January 31

Sooo sorry to hear about you too...I feel so useless as a woman. Shelly, did you pa__s tissue that you know of? I don't think I have. I have always had such painful periods except for this last period. I just don't know what to do?? I go tomorrow for more blood work and I'm requesting my progesterone level to be checked also. Then I have to wait til Wed. to see the dr. Can you give me dates and levels of your hcg level to compare... You are truely in my heart! My prayers are with you...


Shelly - January 31

Terry, not knowing is the hardest part, isn't it?! Here are my HcG #s: 1/6: HcG = 13, Prog = 1.1 1/14: HcG = 56 1/20: HcG = 78 1/25: HcG = 107, Prog = 7.8 You can see my HcG isn't doubling...not even close. Your #s are about the same as mine but you are about 1.5 wks behind me. So, does the Dr. still think you miscarried or is he hopeful now that you're pregnant (based on his "too early" remark, it sounds like it)?! I'm not really sure if I pa__sed any tissue, BUT it was the most painful period I have ever had (and I typically get bad cramps). But, this was different because the cramps radiated to my lower back. I also pa__sed a lot of big clots. I bled for nearly 10 days, but after the first day or two it was just like a normal period. I continue to spot off and on and have pelvic/back pain. Do you have an pregnancy symptoms? Shelly


Terry - January 31

Well, the dr. doesn't want me to get my hopes up. He says the numbers are too low and he believes I miscarried when I said I had a period. But what do you call this bleeding that is going on now? Mon thru Thurs. I very seldom had blood on my pad, only when I wiped. But on Fri. I cramped a little and bled like I usually do on my first couple days of my period. As of last nite, it got slightly heavier. I called the dr. office and they told me that if the bleeding got heavier and cramps got worse to go to the hospital, but if not they would see me tomorrow at my appointment. Is that right? Can they just tell me that? Oh, I don't know I'm just worrying myself sick. As of yet, I have no symptoms. I do get cravings, but I think that it is too early for that, at least that's what my mom in law says.


Shelly - February 1

Well, as I understand it the only time bleeding is a concern is if it's really heavy...soaking a pad w/in an hour, I believe. My Dr. told me it's not unusual to bleed off and on for quite a while, which I did. In fact, I just started spotting again today. I will be checking in tomorrow, I hope you'll update after you see the Dr.


Tara-T - February 1

Shelly: Maybe you had heavy implantation bleeding and that's why the numbers are low (which would mean the Hcg # of 36 is only actually about 5-10 days past ovulation and not ....it takes time for those numbers to start doubling proper...so, that would be one guess. Of course, that early you wouldn't see anythign on ultrasound. If you happen to be regular as a clock and you're sure the bleeding happened when you shoudl have had period (and you know when you ovulate each month, etc)...then, at 1 month since last period, those numbers are a bit low (but still within range). I think just wait until you're 6 weeks and have a v____al ultrasound. You should see at least a sac by then, and (if it's a good machine ( you'll catch the heartbeat). keep us posted, yours is an interesting picture, I'd love to know how you make out. Good luck, Tara


Terry - February 1

Just wanted to let you know that I went to the dr. this morning and requested a progesterone level test and the obliged. I will find out the results tomorrow. Just trying to keep myself busy till then.


Tara-T - February 1

Terry: progesterone at this stage can vary widely....I hope you're getting another hcg, as well....let us know.


Shelly - February 2

Yes, hopefully they will test HcG again. As for me, I have just started having really bad menstrual-type cramps and low back pain (similar to what I had earlier in the month when I evidently m/c). I just went to the bathroom and saw bright red blood. The Dr. was hoping my body would expel the remaining tissue. I'm wondering if this is it. You know, until now I was still having a hard time believing that this wasn't a viable pregnancy since my symptoms have increased. It truly would have been a miracle but I couldn't help but hope for one. But I do think this might be it.


Tara-T - February 2

Shelly, sounds like you may be having your regular period, now. If you want to see if your Hcg is below 25 (usually indicated not pregnact) you can just take a home pregnacy test (that's what I did). It gets confusing after a miscarriage. I think mine started 1/18---I had bad cramps for 2 days, and then lightly bled for about 5 more days. Still no sign of period, but a few days ago I had fertile cervical fluid, so I'll probably see my period in another week or so. Let us know how you make out.


Terry - February 2

I got back a couple of hrs. ago. Bad news! My hcg level dropped from 69 to 66 in 4 days. Dr. says its not a good sign. He said this is not a normal pregnancy and prays its not in the fallopian tubes. He wanted to consult with another dr. and wants me back in on Mon. He has given me a couple options, but just can't think about them at this point. #1: Get the shot to help me or #2 Get a D&C. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do. I'm still bleeding and have been now for 10 days. I just don't know what to think. I am just making myself sick. My husband is in tears and this feels like a slow death. Help!


Shelly - February 2

Tara, thanks for your comment. I was wondering if it could be my period but I thought I wouldn't get a period until my #s reached zero. But from what you're saying it sounds like as long as the #s are below 25 I could get my period? I might have to take an HPT because last wk my #s were 107 and now I'm dying to know if they are low. Today was the first time I woke up w/o morning sickness. Wow, that would be wonderful if this is my period because that would mean we're moving past this horrible time.


Shelly - February 2

Terry, I'm sorry your appt was so upsetting. The fact that your HcG dropped is scary, but I have read a lot of stories of HcG making an initial drop and then continuing to rise again. I don't have experience w/ that but perhaps someone else here does. I guess I'm confused as to why your Dr. would consider a D&C if it's possibly a tubal pregnancy? I would hate to see you undergo a D&C unless/until it's confirmed if the pregnancy is intrauterine. Personally, I chose to wait rather than rushing into taking a shot. I did read enough info online to convince me that "watchful waiting" was safe. Of course, if it is a tubal pregnancy than watchful waiting isn't an option. In that case you would have to do the shot. I'm so sorry you are going through this.


Tara-T - February 2

Shelly, well, you're "technically" right, an hcg number over "5" is considered pregnant. Not sure about whether it would hold up your period to be a little above that, though. All I'm saying, though, is that you don't have to run out to your Dr. to see if your hcg is trending down. You'll know when you see a negative home pregnacy test that the levels are at least below 25 (if you use a test that measure at 25, such as Answer early pregancy). If you're not sure how much Hcg the test measures, just call up the company and ask them, "hey, how much Hcg does your test measure?" Hope that helps. Terry: I'm so sorry for your loss. Many of us on the forum have been through it and it's really hard, and really painful and everyone is here for you....{ Big HUG }


Tara-T - February 2

Oh, and Terry....usually an etopic can be seen on ultrasound. That Dr. better not just be praying, he shoudl be Looking...WHAT WAS ON THE ULTRASOUND? If you didn't have one, you need one because shelly's right, waiting around without knowing for sure about this can potentially be dangerous. Let us know.


Shawndell - February 3

Tara-T, You seem to be very informed and I was hoping you could explain what the fetal pole is??



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