Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant
741 Replies
I'm new to the forum... sorry if I can't mention everyone but believe me I feel the pain that each and everyone of you all have experienced. However I am also happy for the one's whom were having problems and came through their pregnancy fine. I too can relate to the mind playing tricks that haunt one's mind.... the #'s. I know from now on that's the first thing I will think of if I ever become pregnant again, with god's help and prayers. I start by saying I am a 30 year old woman who has 3 healthy boys w/out any problems during pregnancy after the 3rd I had a tubal ligation only after 6 years did i regret having it I had met the love of my life whom is now my husband. Well just last year we married and decided to do the reversal in Sept.After 6 months of praying and praying i had my first positive test April 10th last Sunday, next day Monday l called the facility where I had the reversal done and they asked if I could come in that day i did they drew blood said I was about 4.5 weeks hcg level was 528 pedestorne was 12.6 they prescribed pedestorne and suggest I come back on Wednesday to retest well it just so happens that I start cramping early wednesday morning 5:45 the pain was unbareable I paged the doctor to tell her she said to come in they open at 7 well i went and they drew blood again and I got a v____al sonogram done. they deteced a cyst in my ovary said it was normal for pregnant women and said they'd call later with the blood results. well not feeling comfortable about the answers i called my OBGYN and said to come that afternoon. well i went ahead and went to work didn't feel pain anymore. later i get a call from the doctor at the facility stating that my hcg number was low 368
by then by heart was beating and i started feeling bad she said i had a biochemical pregnancy. i was like what is that she explained it to me and I couldn't take it. she said she wanted me to come in on Friday 04/15 to speak with her in person at that point i was like yeah whatever so freaked out i had to leave work called my obgyn said i didn't have to come anymore it sounded like i was about to miscarriage. i felt awful awful i'm having a hard time dealing with it. So tomorrow i have an appt. I guess i am just waiting for the unexpected to happen. good luck to all of you i wish you all the best!!
Lucy, I'm not sure what the size was. I was so excited to see the heartbeat that I can't remember much else. I called the dr. yesterday for my hcg and progesterone levels. My hcg was 48961 and the prog. was still 40. They said no to worry about the prog not going up as along as the hcg was. I keep you posted. If you want to write directly, my email is richandmarsha@msn.com. Talk to you soon. Take care.
Nancy, thats great news! It's nice for you to be able to relax now and enjoy being pregnant. Keep us posted on your progress. It is so nice when someone is able to share good news on this forum. You are providing much needed hope! Best wishes!!!!
Hi Beth-
Well, unfortunately, things ended up taking a turn for the worse and I ended up m/c afterall. My dr. said although she was happy with the rise in hcg numbers it was still low for being 5 weeks .
Anyhow, nature takes its course whether we like it or not.I thought that maybe b/c I had been at the gym when it happened that perhaps that may have contributed it to that, but she rea__sured me and told me that very little can shake a healthy preganncy from carrying along.
I figure that there is no point in looking for answers, or a___lyzing it too much but to just accept the disappointments that come along with the unique task of trying to conceive and remaining very optimisitic for healthy and happy next pregnancy - I suppose that is all one can do...
Nancy, I'm soooo sorry for your loss. Your Dr. is right. You didn't do anything to cause the baby any harm. I can remember thinking that my miscarriage was caused by me having a martini before I knew I was preg. But my Dr. a__sured me that something just wasn't developing properly from the start. Yes, all we can do is look forward to the future in the hopes we are meant to have healthy pregnancies next time. Until then, the loss can be so difficult. So, if you are in need of some comfort, we are all here for you, as well as anyone else who is having to go through this. I will keep you in my prayers. : )
Thank Beth-
Very disappointing, even having been guarded about it all. It is not a nice feeling not being able to control your body. I think we are so conditioned today to be able to govern so much of a pregnancy - fertility kits, early HPT's - that is comes as such a shock to know that in the end there is still much that we can't control - I suppose a lesson in humility and patience as well. I do have comfort that many women in my immediate circle - family and friends have experienced this and gone on to have subsequent successful pregnancies without complication. I'm guessing that a difficult thing such as as miscarriage will help us to see the sheer miralce and wonder of a healthy pregnancy a little more clearer when it happens.
Has any one had this? i am 5 weeks pregnant, i started spotting brown blood on tuesday the 12/04/05 was told to bed rest, 4 days on and becoming anxious went to he docs and booked me n for an early scan, they could pick nothing up to small to see, i had a blood test my hcg leveks are 91 they said it ws not bad for early pregnancy, went home saturday i bleed loads clots the lot with a tiny sharp pain, i thought thats it i have had a miscarriage, but my partner wanted me to go back and have another blood test which i did i also popped into the ward and up date them also asking is it worth me doing this as i think i have lost it, i don't feel pregnant anymore, she said yes, so i went and had one done in the mean time i had my cervix checked they are still closed, my hcg levels are still 91 the doc are puzzled and i am really confused, the thing is it can't get any worst. Has anyone else had this expereince if so what was your result, they also said it could be eptopic and i am now c___pping myself if it is, but i have no pain on sides, can anyone help me.
HI Tina-
I had a similar situation just happen in the past few weeks. I had low hcg levels - 356 at 5 weeks. I was told last wednesday that everything looked good, but Friday I miscarried. I had mimial cramping, but bleeding with clots, like a heavy period. If you did in fact miscarry it is not unusual for your levels to still be 91 - apparently it takes several weeks until the hcg lowers to such a rate that your body is no longer in a hormonally pregnant state.
Now, unlike your situation my cervix was open - therfore it was an "inevitable miscarriage". My doctor told me when the cervix is closed it means that a pregnancy may be fine, but bleeding occurs for whatever reason. From what I understand, the only way of knowing for sure is to have your blood work taken in 2-3 days, if it is still rising, chances are that things may still go just fine. Best of luck, I'll be hoping for a positive outcome for you..
I'm new to the forum. I'm 31 with two recent chemical pregnancies behind me in the last six months. I went to a reproductive endocrinologist after the last one and scheduled tests. Then lo and behold, I find out I'm pregnant with #3. The day after my period is due, a blood test showed a HCG at 8, progesterone at 7.9. I immediately went on v____al progesterone, but wasn't at all hopeful because of the low #s. The HCG numbers went up nicely on the next two blood draws to 27 and 72. The progesterone # skyrocketed. I've been spotting off and on, but Dr. said not to be terribly concerned. I went in for a 6 week ultrasound. Nothing at all in the uterus (no sac or anything), the same as my last chemical pregnancy. He took blood. I expected to hear that the HCG was practically nothing & that the progesterone was probably masking a miscarriage. I was already grieving and preparing to have a stiff drink. But the blood test came back and the HCG was up to 660. I don't think my dates are more than a few days off, so don't want to hope, but it does seem odd. Any of you experts want to weigh in on this one?
i'm suppose to be 6 weeks pregnant , my doctors have done hcg levels every other day they say there low , my first was 227, than went to 466 than to 1400 ,anyways went for an ultra sound yesterday and the tech said she didn't see anything, but was a concern in my tubes so she went and talked to the midwife who came in and talked to me ,than they did anther blood hcg ,than the midwife talked to the doctor came back and said they did see something that could be a start of the sac in the utreues but there not sure, which she showed me and it's not a full sac yet but its starting , and i seen like the lil bud , so there repaeting my blood again friday anther ultra sound Monday , i'm so scared i've had 2 miscarriges in the past ,i do have a healthy 3 year old though, but i asked her if i could have a normal one growing and a bad one in my tubes she said it's a pobbislty, by my lmp i should be 6 weeks 2 days but my cylces weren't regular so i'm so confused! i think i could be earlier than what i thought well my test from yesterday came back and my level went from 1400 to 1900! so she said she don't think it's a viable pregnancy! i feel fine no bleeding cramping nothing have all pregnancy syptoms~ so i'm jsut totally lost here.i have to go get anther hcg tommorrow so we'll see.
At a check up one time the doctor told me that my uteris was low. My husband and I are now trying to have a baby. Would this cause any problems with my pregnancy?
I should be five weeks pregnant and my levels 2 days ago were only 38 i await the news of todays ablood work and very scared as i had problems with my first and don't think i can go through this i'm very scared and upset any imput
Hi Ladies, I am amazed to read soooo many stories just like mine. I have been married for over 11 years and have fertility problems which we never really understood till now. I too have had miscarried with D&C back in Sept 2001 and finally with IVF are pregnant now 5 weeks. I never understood what hcg levels were in my last experience and it is a challenge to keep up with all the info but I have found acouple of sites which my IVF buddies used that may be of help in relations of what is normal, low, high, twin etc. Again read and judge this info for yourself ... www.advancedfertility.com/earlypre.htm
www.infer.com/hcg.htm. I am new to message boards and hope that it is ok to refer another site of reference - as it give days post conceptions and the low/aver/high statistics on hcg and in no way is to be disrespectful to this message board. Cheers
dear cate,
i am also having the same problem, i started bleeding very heavy on sat apr 16/05. i had an appointment with my doctor the monday morn, so she did some blood work which showed i was pregnant hcg at 31. two days later she made me do second test which took the hcg levels up to 77. she told me my levels were raising too slow. anyway i did a third test which showed the levels at 293. She then told me that she's sure i had a miscarriage. I was shocked, since this is my first child and i've been trying for almost 8 months now. well i had her do one last test on may 3/05 so i'll know today for sure whether or not i did lose the baby. Hope this helps you alittle. I think your levels are raising as they should, so don't worry too much about it, place everything in gods hands and rest asure he'll guide you through this.
I would definately have docs check progesterone and thyroid hormone levels .. both can play an important role rising numbers are good .. GOOD LUCK !
Hi Cate,
I've never written in on one of these chat things but my heart really went out to you. No one can ever know your pain the way you do but you certainly have my empathy. The wait is just the pits isn't it? I'm sure all the stress doesn't help our bodies. Have you tried some hypnotherapy? I think it's the only thing that's kept me sane in the past 2 years of trying. I have no children and have never been pregnant. I'm currently on my 5th full IVF cycle. I've had 4 failures. (No pregnancy hormne registering at all) but this time I have got an HCG reading but it is so pathetically low. I'ts just 17. I first tested at just 9 on the first testing day (which is technically 4 weeks preg) and today I tested at 17. What the devil does that mean. I was sure my test today was just precautionary because I had a full period and I also have no pregnancy signs apart from a sore lower back. I almost didn't even bother to go for the test. This is the first time I've even registered an HCG reading but I'm sure it will amount to nothing after reading the levels recorded at 5 weeks by the other ladies here on the net. Something is a miss. The Nurse told me not to get my hopes up and in the same breath she told me that she did know of one woman at her clinic that did read at just 9 at 4 weeks and she went on to have a live birth.
All I can say is don't give up. I'm not going to. If I crash and burn again then I'll have to brush myself off after a week or two of drowing in my own tears (of wich I've alredy done one week let me add) and then go for cycle number 6. I dont want to look back on these years when I'm 45 or so and think "I should have just kept trying.."
They want me to repeat the test again on Wednesday. It's like rubbing salt into the wound. Right now my biggest fear is that I may have an eptopic pregnancy on my hands but I've read that it's highly unlikely becuase with IVF the embryo is placed directly into the uterus.... It still scares me to death tho... those things can kill you I'm told. I see you say you have had 2 successul pregnancies. You have proof that know your body can do it. I don't. . Take good care of yourself.