Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant
741 Replies
Hi all....I am hoping someone can help or provide some information. I was on Clomid and was inseminated (IUI) on 4/6. On 4/19 my hcg was 7.7. I was told it would probably go down. On 4/21, it went up to 15.8...on 4/23 it was up to 23.2 (but the doc had switched labs). My last hcg was on 4/25 and it was 56.5. I went for an u/s today..they couldn't see anything. The doc said she thinks it will end up in a miscarriage becasue the numbers are so low (progesterone is fine..I am on suppositories(sp?). Does anyone think there is chance this could actually work out for me? My b___sts are very sore and I feel crampy every now and again and I have also been nauseous on and off. Is there any hope?
ksue, how are your numbers doing? This pregnancy, my HCG was 20 at 14 days gestation. Very low. But they skyrocketed after that early measurement. Don't give up too early. They told me that this pregancy was looking like another miscarriage. They were WRONG!!!
cksan--thanks for the info. I really do appreciate the response. My number went up to 302 on 4/28 but by Sunday things went bad. Looks like to doc was right...another miscarriage (so they think). They are also monitoring me closely for an ectopic since I have some of the symptoms. It is a bit too early for them to know for sure. I hope you are doing well!!
hi there, i found this site where you can look at you levels and if ya put ya dpo in they do a graph, it also tells ya if the rise is adeqate or not, sara http://babymed.com/
Cate and Tara I have been reading your stories and it seem to be similiar to mine. This is my first pregnancy and I been trying for about 7 years to get pregnant and the Dr. finally put me on fertility pills in March and I missed my period for April and I went to the doctor on May 03rd and found out that I was 5 weeks pregnant and on May 05th I woke up and was bledding so I went to the ER and they told me that I may be threating a miscarrage so they took me off work for 3 days to relax and yesterday May 08 I went to the Dr. again they could see a sac, but it was empty and no heartbeat and today the Dr called me and said I may be having a miscarrage and to come back tomorrow to check my hcg level because the night I went to the hosipital my hcg level was 2400 and yesterday it was 1000. So what am I to do. please respond depressed!!!!
Hey anybody if you are online and reading this I wrote earlier what was my problem and no response I just need to know is there hope because the more I think about it the more I get depressed
Hi Pleasant. I don't know if you are checking this still, but i'll give you an answer, based on my experience and research..... Just over 3 months ago i had a pretty bad ectopic pregnancy which was only discovered at 9 weeks, so i had to have surgery to remove my whole right tube. It was my first pregnancy too, so i was pretty devastated. Anyways, i also had trouble with hcg levels so i did research on them, plus spoke to my docs. It turns out that for a pregnancy to be viable, your hcg has to doublr every 48-72 hours. there is a range though, and some women whose numbers don't exactly double still have given birth to healthy babies. However, its universally accepted that if your hcg drops, there's no chance the pregnancy will make it..... I'm sorry... I know your pain. But the positive is that you know now what you can get pregnant. That was a big comfort for me, eventhough its hard to see in the begining.... Just hang in there and carry on trying...
HELP. Following a previcous miscarriage I have been on pins and needles for the last two weeks. I am currently four weeks pregnant following IVF. Following pains last week my doctor did some HCG blood tests. In 48 hours they went from 8600 to 1400. I have been told as they have not doubled the baby is not developing and I will miscarry. Can anyone offer me any advice.....PLEASE
Sorry to hear that. Its most likely a miscarriage. Numbers are supposed to go up not down, especially that drastic. Are you spotting or bleeding?
we just found out we were pregnant again after a m/c in october...we couldn't be happier. i think i am just beginning my 6 th week...but my hcg numbers are only in the 3,000s. i've read that the number doesn't matter, it's how they are rising. although mine are not doubling, they are going up the bare minimum of 2/3....my doctor seems optimistic, keeps telling me this isn't bad news, it's netural...at least the numbers are going up! i have an u/s tomorrow and hopefully we'll know more. did anyone have a healthy pregnancy when their hcg levels were only rising the bare minimum? Is this common? Is in the high 3,000s low for 6 weeks? any info would be greatly appriciated!
well I had the u/s today, and the baby is in my uterus not my tube which is a good thing. Although from caluclating from my lmp, i should be at 6 weeks and the baby is measuring 4.5 weeks. dr. thinks that maybe i concieved later than we thought. we'll know more at next u/s next week. keep your fingers crossed!
| SL - February 2 |
I guess my note didn't get posted...so we're talking low hcg levels..huh? yeah i'm in a real c___ppy mood and feeling very discouraged. My level was at 796 at 4.5 wks (when I thought I was 5wks) and now, 10 days later..it only went up to 1658...the doctor is a__suming the worse and scheduled me for an xray instead of an u/s.....I have no clue why . What I don't understand is why would they give you such a range..ie: 6wks, 1.080-56,000 and if your number aren't in the high norm they are concerned...so why have these numbers? and such a wide range? I don't get it. if my level is at 1658 and I'm 6 wks today, shouldn't that be a good thing since I'm within the range...even if it's "low normal"...I'm so distraught. He told me I should expect a miscarriage...well I spotted 10 days ago, for 4 days, right around when my period was due and then my level was at 796 and that doc told me I was good. Yet now...222 some hours later...yeah I did the math...It only doubled once and they are telling me I'm gonna have a miscarriage...I can't do this again. This is my fourth pregnancy and I only have one child out of it. I didn't miscarry BUT the doc recommended I terminate them because I was physically ill, chronic asthma..whatever anyway..now..with my luck and the way things have been going for me..I'm actually physically capable of carrying full term but NO something has to wrong...sorry ladies..I need to vent and I just don't were to turn. thanks for being there.
I think I am in that same situation as some of you other women. I had a faint + early pregnancy test five days before my missed period, and my dr. office blood work read only 25 hCG. Is this considered a non viable pregnancy? I wish you all luck, and you are in my prayers. ESB
Hi, I would say that it is definitely too soon to tell. Sounds about normal. What did your doctor have to say?
| rt - May 1 |
hi everyone I am so happy that is forum is here. I have had two miscarriages 6 weeks in dec 05 and 5 weeks in dec 06. Now I am pregnancy again and today is my 28th day. I got my beta hcg level and progestorne levels taken today and had very low values of 28 for hcg and 13.2 for progestrone. I am so worried and scared that i will miscarry this time too beacuse of the low beta hcg levels. I started taken progestrone supplement tablet prometrium today. do any of you take progestorne and has that helped to continue the pregnancy. after my second miscarriage we did all test including genetic testing for me and my husband and all the blood cloting panel test and they call came negative with no defects. my doctor told me take progestrone from the day i know i am pregnant. I didn't have any symptoms till today and the home pregnancy test came very very very light. I am worried that I missed couple of weeks without taking progestorne as my levels are low. they took progestrone levels twice before in my regular cycle and they were 11.2 and 12 which the doctor told me was relatively low. I am going for my hcg again on friday. I am so lonely and afraid if I will not be blessed with kids in my life. I am 27 yrs old. Please tell me what you think.