Update ... inital hcg 37 at 4 weeks. Told this was not good. 4 days later it rose to 237, Dr says it's still not good. Now 7 days later the number is 4,700. I'm told I should be in the 10,000s by now and the Dr is still not convinced things will end well. I'm not sure what to think. I'm on an emotional rollercoaster and I'd just like some positive confirmation. I've not got to wait another 6-7 days for yet another (my fourth) blood test! Very confused.
My LMP was 3/4/2005. Took 2 home tests 3 days before period was due...both neg. Took 2 after period was 4 days late..both pos!. Very comfortable preg. until bright red bleeding for about 1 day....followed by light pink spotting after intercourse at 4.5 weeks. Spotting wore off after 1 day into brown, spotty discharge. Went to ER last night with severe cramping, light pink discharge...now, 5.5 wks. HcG levels, 550.. no sign of pregnancy in uterus..had severe cramps throughout the night into early morning. Now, backache, spotting off and on, earlier...red, now brown...very light. Anyone else had this problem??? Have a followup with OB next Wed...Would like to know if I'm miscarrying.
If your blood test has HCG over 2000, you will be far enough along for a v____al sono. Why don't you ask if they can schedule that in case so you won't have a big wait in between again?
First time reader. Is there any hope for a viable preg. for me. On the 14th day of conception my hcg was 163 two days later it was 250 two days after that on the 16th day it was 426. As you can see it is not doubling. Why did it start strong and than slow down? Has anyone ever had this happen to them.
hi its me again I had a mc last Saturday unfortunatlry what happens is, the hcg levels reaches a peak and then it will start dropping, thats what happened to me, I was 7 weeks, we are hoping to try again in June, stay positive,cheers
I am so sorry Zoe about your lose!!! I have never had a MC so I can only imagine what you go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone else. Please hang in there!!! God Bless!!
Susan; I forgot to add my thoughts about your situation. My HCG levels were low also, and they put me on progestrone and they are now at the correct levels. I had an ultrasound last Friday so I got to see the babies heartbeat. I would ask your doctor about it because it works!!! Hope that helps!!! God Bless!!!
I think I am pregnant and my hcg blood level is 250 am i having a miscarraige?
Thanks Tracy. I have been on progestrone since my first blood test and my hcg level is still low, 918 as of the 21st day from conception. I go in for an ultra sound next monday, I hope I am as lucky as you and see a heartbeat.
Christian, Your number could be fine, what day are you on?
Hi gals, I am new to this site but very glad I found it. I found out I was preg. last Sat. by Friday I had light spotting and by Sunday right red blood a bit heavier but not as heavy as a period, my first exam is not even scheduled until the 25th. They had me come in for blood work today, and my Hcg was at 716 which she said is normal for about 4 weeks, unfortunately unless I have made a major miscalculation, I should be 7 weeks. Other than my bleeding which is only accompanied by very mild pressure like discomfort, this post has really helped me. I go for more bloodwork on Wed. and hope for a doubled number, and that I have just miscalculated. I am praying for everyone!!
Susan I pray that you get to see a heartbeat too!!! I am sorry that you and others have to ever go through that, but God has a plan for all of us. Please keep us updated!!! Or you can email me (anyone else can too) tracya@ventlab.com. God Bless!!!
Hi Guys, I did IVF and my first beta was 11dp3dt, it was 40. then 3 days later it was 150. Is this too low?
Update, went in for bloodwork today, unfortunately I also miscarried today. Don't even know what my levels are at as Doc isn't in the office on Wed. will have to wait until tomorrow to find that out. Hang in there everyone!!
Update .... 6 long days have finally pa__sed and I had my 4th pg test today. Numbers jumped from 4,700 to 19,901 and the nurse said they're happy with that. Next week I have a 7 week ultrasound to find a heartbeat. I will update next week. So far, I, like Laurie, also started with a low hcg number following ivf but so far so good. Go you little Aussie battler!!!