Pregnancy After A Myomectomy
826 Replies
BIBI-Pls, find the best doctor in your state. Get a 2nd opinion. I had a fibroid that prevented me from getting pregnant. I got it out (Myo and Lap) but had scar tissue which later developed unfortunately blocking my tubes. I did IVF and now I am pregnant in my 2nd trimester. The route was somewhat long and ended up going a direction that I never thought but I am pregnant with twins and so happy! I got a Myo Oct 2006 and got pregnant in May 2007. The IVF process was so fast. Remember that fibroids most times grow faster and quicker once you are pregnant. If the doctor recommends getting it out with a Myo, pls do so. You don't want the fibroid to grow and steal all of the babies blood supply or take up too much room in your uterus. Some women made through pregnancy with them. I just wouldn't take a chance. See a good doctor. Although, I got mine removed. The hormones made some grow back...
Joker-So happy for you! Septembe, huh? Wow! Here we go! Pls, keep us posted. I will pray for you!!!
bbbibi... first of all, I had the same issue with my HSG - the doctor was unable to secure the cervix and continue the procedure because my fibroids were distorting the pelvic area so considerably... anyway, I went to a second radiologist (this time in Manhattan and a female - go girls!) and she was soooooooooo determined to complete the procedure, struggled for a bit, and was successful... and the results happened to be good... my tubes were both clear... I won't advise you to try again because I'm not your doctor (or a doctor, for that matter), but I will say that just because one radiologist is unsuccessful does not mean that having the test done is completely out of the question... subsequent to the HSG, I did have an abdominal myomectomy, had 8 fibroids (2 lbs!) removed (none were inside the uterus) in May 2007 and am currently ttc... I've been fortunate and have ovulated and menstruated each month (incl. May), but have yet to conceive... my partner is a medical doctor and firmly believes it takes about 6 months for the body to re-regulated itself, so we'll see... in the meantime, I'll remain excited about all the impending births here... any questions re: the myomectomy or my awesome surgeon, just ask.
I'll share my experience bbbibi. I too had fibroids (one was huge) and did not even know it until I became pregnant almost 2 years ago. Sad news, I lost the baby at 14 weeks and let me tell you gals, if you can avoid a later loss, by all means do it! There is nothing more gut wrenching and heart breaking than that! Like an idiot I blew off the doctor's advice for a myo after that and had another miscarriage (earlier this time), probably due to the fibroid. So I finally opted for the myo. The myo was not as big a deal as you would think. A big surgery yes, but not anything you can't get through. Sadly I had another MC after that (probably chromosomes - just pure bad luck) and then had an HSG to make sure I did not have scar tissue or something from the myo. That looked great and we got pregnant that cycle and I am now 35 weeks. Long story short - the docs are not kidding when they say the fibroid can cause some big problems. Given the amount of time that pa__sed, had I done the myo right away, I probably would have a baby in my arms now. Don't set yourself up for a possibe failure, if you can go with the myo it might end up being better for you in the end. Best of luck - you'll no doubt be successful!
Hi everyone! I'm so glad to see so many post and to know you are all doing great. BIBI please check back in and let us know how you are doing. Jeanette hang in will get there soon enough. MelissaK nice to hear from you are almost there! Are you have a C-section? I don't remember if you ever said. MONET!! you go girl. I'm so very happy you are all doing well. I feel kind out of the loop..what is a HSG? do I need to have one? Should I have one before TTC? My appt is not until after my next ovulation...but probably won't get prego then because just coming off BC..but what is this HSG..if anyone saw me right now they would think I'm crazy..i'm going to google HSG and see if I need it :) I think I just snapped! Take care everyone :)
Hi ladies! Soooo glad to hear that the expectant moms are doing great. Am thrilled that things are progressing so nicely. you're going to be buying furniture? That is absolutely fantastic!!! :-) Hey Joker--I'm doing good. Thanks so much for asking. Everyday I'm feeling better, getting stronger. It's amazing how much less toxic I feel now that I'm out of such a bad situation. I've been keeping busy too and taking much better care of myself physically and emotionally. I take it one step at a time, but all the while, I know that there will come a day when he will be a distant memory. Can't wait for that day!! :-) One good thing that has come out of this is that I've become a bit of a gym-nut (haha) but am happy to report that I've lost 15 pounds!!! I've got a few more pounds that I want to shed, but I'm getting there slowly but surely. As my sister said....I lost 200 pounds of dead weight, w/o any exercise, by just getting rid of that lying jerk! hahaha!!! I'm on the road to my true happiness Joker... Thanks again for asking! Hope everyone is doing great!
Hey, girls.Not sure if I posted my NT results but everything came back Normal, thank God. All looks well! JOKER-An HSG is a test in which they check the path of your tubes by shootin a dye through too make sure nothing is blocking them like scar tissue or that there is no obstruction..... My doctor recommeded it three months after mt Myo... It may be more painful if sooner. Although quick, it was very painful for me because my tubes were blocked so the dye could not shoot through my tubes. RU-Oh, that is wonderful!!! I was thinking about you and wondering what was going on with you and look at you! So, happy for you! 15lbs is a great accomplishment!!! Good for you!
Hello Ladies -
I'm overjoyed to have found a site like this relating to myomectomies. I have been lurking since July 23, 2007 (three days after my myo) and praying for everyone on this site. JOKER - Thank you very much for starting this thread. It has helped me get through my recovery and kept me emotionally sane....I have learned that there is hope for us after a myo. My story – Three years ago I was informed that I had a fibroid (6cm and growing) that would potentially prevent me from getting pregnant. So my DH and I immediately began TTC. Unfortunately, we didn’t get pregnant. My doc performed a sonoHSG and I was informed that all was clear and that the fibroid should not be causing any problems. Another year went by and nothing. As such, I searched for a RE who performed an HSG and informed me that the fibroid was/would be a problem and that my tubes were blocked. I had a robotic myo on 7/23/07 and had my tubes removed…which was devastating for me. Now, I’m in the healing process and looking into IVF. My RE asked that I call him after my next cycle to begin the IVF process, which would mean that implantation would happen 3mos after my myo. I’m terrified that this is much too early. Will my uterus have healed? Ladies I need your advice – Should I follow my RE’s recommendation or wait until I have overcome these fears….Do we ever overcome the fear or will this linger on? I greatly appreciate your advice and bless everyone for sharing their stories and helping others.
Hi Praying 80..welcome to the site! I'm sorry that we all have to meet under these cirmc_mstances but at least we know we are not alone. I think the decision of when to start ttc is up to you. To answer your question..does the fear ever go least not for me. I think everyone ttc has fears...even the most "normal" pregnant women have fears..for us we have our past piled on to the normal for me with losing my baby and going through the surgery..I'm scared sh*t less. But you will reach a point where the need and want to have child will outweigh your fear and you will believe more in having a baby than your fears..they will quietly slip into the back of your mind. You have to tell yourself it is OK to be scared, that is a normal feeling, but when you are strong enough and ready you will overcome your fear on your matter what anyone else says. You will know when you are will make up one morning, or just out of nowhere find yourself planning to have a baby and you may be suprise by it but go with it :) I hope I made sense. RU I'm so glad to see you :) congrats on dropping those keep strong and hang in there. MSMonet thanks for the info..I did google it and I don't think I need least not yet..I will see what my doc says. Stay well everyone one.. MelissaK how are you must be besides yourself with JOy..I can't wait until I get to feel the pure joy you and MsMonet currently have. Take care
Thank you Ms. Monet and Joker for the congrats!!! :-) I'm glad that some positive has come out of this situation. I'll be honest....t's been tough but I won't go down that easily. Although this is painful, worse things have happened to me and I've come out of those situations stronger, smarter and better! But your words have kept me focused and whenever I get a little gloomy about things, I instantly resort to all the good advice and supporting words that you have given me! :-) Ms.Monet--I'm soooo glad that your test results were good! I'm soooo excited for you!! Joker--You are a few steps away from fulfilling your dreams. It's just a matter of time now... :-)
Hi everyone, (i accidently posted a new post with this so if you read it just ignore it as I meant to post it here), anyway thanks for your postings it has given me some hope as I was diagnosed with fibroids about 5 years ago at the time I had 2 one was 6 cm and one was 4 cm since then they ahve grown really big and now they ahve to be removed through abdominal mymectomy surgery. I was really annoyed becuase the doctors didn't monitor me or get me back for repeat scans they just left me to it saying at the time that they wouldn't interere with my fertility. I was then 25 and unamrried, I am not 31 recently married and planned to conceive next year only to be told about this surgery. I ahve to have a drig to shrink the firbord I can't remember what it's called,but it's not Lupron. I just wished they had tried to remove them when they were smaller so that I wouldn't have such extensive surgery now. My fibroids are now the size of a 22 week pregancy, they think there is just one but there are probably more becuase tehre were 2 when they last looked. Anyway my myomectomy is scheduled for october. I am really upset I can't stop thinking about it and how it will affect my fertility. I don't know how good my consultant is but he was recoomended by my GP (that's my familiy doctor as I live in the UK). I have doubts within myself and I can't shake them even though I am a christian and a strong believer in God I just feel like I might never have children. Or that when the procedure is carried out I will loose my uterus. I had a friend who had a very large fibroid and ended up haveing a hsyterctomy at 30. She wasn't even offered a myomectomy. I also have another friend who had hers removed, i don't know how and didn't conceive and her fibrod grew back and in the end she had to have a hysterectomy in the end I guess i just keep having this in my mind and keep thinking that it will be the same for me. I know that you shouldn't cpmpare your spiritual life but I thought that they were so much more spirtiual than me., why is it that God didn't help them and why should he help me? These are questions I ask myself everyday. And it's what wakes me up at 4:30 in the morning every day and Ia m so tired becuase I can't sleep with all the stress. And no one understands me or what I am going through. I haven't prayed about it properly yet, it's like I am scared to, scared that God's anwer will be no. ?
MsHottyHotti... a couple of things struck me when I read your posting... positive things... first of all, I'm 39, had 8 fibroids removed (2 lbs.!) in May 2007 and was likewise told that 'they' were comparable to a 20-22 week pregnancy... surgery went fine... have been ttc ever since, but realistically, it has been only 4 cycles, so I'm not distraught and figure that the fact that my body has had the 4 cycles to simultaneously recover from the surgery is a good thing - maybe a pregnancy a little later (6 - 12 mos. post-surgery) is a better overall... BUT my point for you is that an abdominal myomectomy in your situation can go quite smoothly... I had no unusual problems during the healing process and jumped right back into my cycles... the surgery essentially disturbed nothing - just praying it makes a difference in getting pregnant - and yes, that's where faith and prayer comes in... He hears, He listens and He acts... never second doubt... He probably has a different (good) plan for your friends, but as they say, that's not our business :)... the OTHER IMPORTANT COMMENT is regarding something that my reproductive endocrinologist/surgeon said to me about having waited 'so long' to have the surgery... he was thrilled I hadn't had it when the fibroids first surfaced in my early 30's... here's why... he said that if I wasn't ready/prepared to get pregnant back then, by now, the chances of adhesions/scar tissue and/or regrowth of the fibroids was pretty realistic and THEN he'd be dealing with a second surgery and a bigger 'mess' when he went in to do his job... he said it more eloquently than that, but essentially, he said that he's most successful when (if the situation presents itself) a woman has not had prior myomectomies... of course, the exception is those woman who may have had them previously in an attempt to get pregnant in the past (understandable), but in our cases, we are attacking the situation now because we're at that point now... so not having the surgery years ago may be a blessing in disguise.
Hi gals - 35w4d, holding tight. Scheduled for my C section at 38 weeks. Just 2.5 weeks from now! nervous but excited!
MelissaK... another week down and thinking about you... so close to a dream come true, huh?... you deserve every ounce of the reality... keep us posted... and Ms.Monet... how are the dynamic duo and you doing? :)... hope all is well with everyone.
Hi everyone..sorry I haven't been around in awhile..been busy.. MelissaK...only a 1.5 weeks to go..I'm so happy for you. Please post and let us know how you are doing...I don't remember if you told us if you were having a boy or a girl..but after baby gets here please post and let us know how the two of you are doing! MsMonet..where are you?? I'm going to ttc this month..I will let you all know who that goes..I don't have an appointment with my doc until after my ovulation so now I'm thinking if I should wait until oct to ttc? But i think I'm just trying to chicken out.
Joker, good luck ttc. You will be pregnant before you know it! I can feel it. I was scared when we started ttc, but look where we are now. Take care.