Pregnancy After A Myomectomy
826 Replies
Hi Joker. I know what you are talking about. What I also worry about is going through all of this, wanting and praying that it will be a successful surgery, but not being able to conceive for whatever reason. That would break my heart. But I think what we are experiencing- the fear of the future- is very normal in our cases. It's like studying for an big exam and when you take it, you are relieved but then confused because what you focused on for so long is no longer there. It's like a wierd kind of emptiness, a "now what?" of sorts. We've been soooo worried and consumed about preparing for this surgery and how to recover physically, that we forget we need to recover mentally and that life WILL go on. But I'm taking everyone's words to heart, especially now that I am counting the days down. I am terrified but as MsMonet said and I truely believe--God doesn't give you a heavier burden than we can carry". I am posting that phrase on my forehead until my surgery. hahaha! It's a struggle and I need little daily reminders of our strength. Stay strong Joker. What we are going through now, will make what is to come, all worth wild. :-)
Joker: You're not the only one thinking about the issue of the "baby-after-myomectomy" scenario. The discussions so far has been "preparation towards" and "post-operative recovery". It would be enlightening to hear from those who have actually heeded the advice of the various doctors who encourage getting pregnant just few months after the procedure ........ and what the outcome of such pregnancies have been. It would not be far from the truth to a__sume that the obvious goal of most here is to eventually cradle the much-desired bundle of joy.
Joker & ru93- I totally understand your thoughts about after the surgery... I am there and I did have everyone of the thoughts. I've had 4 periods and no preg yet. My doctor said we will have to take another step if I am not preg by March. Thats 2 months away... I have to remain positive. I strongly believe that God will bless me and my husband with a child or children. You two will make it through the surgery as did I. Constantly, remember that God would not give you more than you can bear... Take some time to meditate, especially a few days before. Don't let any confusion or negativity surround you. RU93 its OK to feel stressed... I thought I was OK until I started becoming a clutz. Days before, I would drop everything including dinner that my husband made one night... Take time out for yourself... Although, you may only be in the hospital for a few days. I took my pillows with me... I am rooting for you guys and praying. Joker- You began this thread that is soon to become your testimony! Keep up the good work!
Hi everyone, thank you all for you support and for sharing you feelings and thoughts. Outside of this thread no one understands what I..we have went through. Its like we were hit twice...we couldn't just fall of the horse and get back on like some people who has lost a child like we did. We had to deal with losing a child and then the doubts and fears of having the surgery, recoverying, and learning to trust our bodies again. MsMonet, I pray you do get that little plus sign on your pregnancy test :) There hasn't been anyone on this thread so far that has posted, but I do know of one person on the fibroid thread that had a myo and became pregnant ( I think it was a year or so after..she had the myo because of problems and wasn't like us trying to get prego right after) Anyway, she had a uncomplicated pregnancy and had a baby boy.. MsMonet, promise me when you do get pregnant not to forget about this thready..even if you only post once a month or when you get to full term..but post something so we all know it is possible and we can find courage and comfort in your blessing. My next doc visit is 1st week in Feb and hopefully then I will have a date for my surgery. Keep in touch and be well.
Joker-Just said a prayer for you. All will be well. Thanks for the encouragement... It does mean alot... Home sick today... The weather is so funny here in NY... Very cold... Joker, I pray that I get a positive sign soon... I promise I will keep everyone updated. I'll even do better by updating everyone at least once a week or more... I know that God didn't bring us this far to leave us... I pray that I have a safe and uncomplicated pregnancy. I've had 2 Myos... Pls, God give me an uncomplicated pregnancy... Joker, I think that God is doing a work in you as he prepares you for your surgery... You are going to be fine, Joker. I know it.
Hi All, thank you for sharing your stories, it really helps me to hear about other people's fibroids, operations and pregnancies. I'm 28 years old and was diagnosed in October with a single subserosal fibroid the size of a 24 week pregnancy. It is merged with my uterus which makes the operation more difficult than if it were on a stalk my consultant says. I am currently having treatment (Zoladex) to shrink the fibroid to a more manageable size for surgery. I'm also on HRT pills to counteract the menopausal symptoms. My next MRI scan will be on 15th Feb and then 27th Feb for the gyaenocologyst when we will be telling me if I need to go in straight away for the durgery or have another 1-2 months of treatment. On one hand I want the fibroid out, but at the same time I am really scared of the abdominal myomectomy and if the operation goes wrong. My husband and I married 4 years ago and were hoping to start a family this year. Does anyone know how long after the surgery we need to wait to try for a family if it is still a possibility for us? Thank you and take care all! Jacky
Hi Jacy, welcome to our board...feel free to post any questions and comments here. To answer your question..the usually time period for waiting is 3 months/3 cycles. What did you mean by the fibroid merged with your uterus? do you mean it is growing inside the wall of the uterus? I have two of those also...your surgery will be fine..make sure you choose a doctor that is experience in this type of surgery..not to down play the removal of the fibroids..that part is easy...just about any doc can do want someone that will remove them properly..and repair the incisions..basically you want a doc whose focus is to leave you with your uterus to have children not a doc who's focus is to hopefully leave you with a uterus without fibroids...I'm not trying to scare you but since you are new to the game :) I want to make sure you point that out to your doc. If you already have the doc you want then everything will be fine..jsut focus on getting better. I'm currenlty on Lupron to shrink the fibroids and so far the meno side effects have been minimum..just a fe hot flashes..mostly at night. I'm to see my doc again next week to check my iron level and if that is up schd surgery. Everyone keep in touch. I'm excitied and nervous at the same time but I can't wait to get this out of the way. Best wishes to everyone.
Hi Ladies... I had my myomectomy Monday morning... was discharged from the hospital Wednesday night and am at home now feeling amazingly better with each day. To Joker and those of you pending myomectomies... you all will be fine. I was nervous, anxious, worried, etc., etc. but it was all OK in the end and actually not nearly as difficult as I expected. It is also a great relief to have this part of the process over. I feel like one hurdle is over and now I can focus on healing and recovery and then on pregnancy. My doctor said that as soon as I start having regular periods (usually 2-3months after surgery), we can start trying to get pregnant. I agree with Joker who said that feeling confident with your doctor is key. I had a great hospital experience all around. The surgical team were wonderful and supportive. My doctor keeps telling me that the goal is for me to have a successful pregnancy and I truly believe that she is committed to doing everything in her power to make that happen. Thanks to Ms. Positve, Ms. Monet, Shortiesunny for sharing your tips, info and experiences about your myomectomies. It was really helpful in the hospital to remember that others had gone through the same experience and the tips, etc. really were useful. I kept remembering Ms. Monet's advice to walk, walk, walk. Ms. Monet, you were right... it does feel a lot better to get up and walk a little each day! I am also thinking about you and wishing you well as you focus on getting pregnant. I am sure that it will happen for you. And thanks again Joker for starting this thread... it has been a huge support for me since I have been dealing with the fibroid. Good luck at your next doc visit...
Today I had my first post-hospital shower and it felt great. My incision is healing nicely and the bloating/gasiness (my worst symptom) is getting better. It is truly amazing how the body heals itself. Take Care everyone. Juliane
Hi Juliane, I'm so happy that your surgery went well and you posted back so soon. That really really lifted my spirits. I go to the doc on Monday and I have good news my ironlevels are way up so I will be able to schd my surgery soon..hoping to have it done the 2nd to 3rd week of March. I'm wishing that you and everybody have a speedy recovery..if you do work how soon do you think you will be going back or when did the doc say you would be able to go back..estimated..I'm thinking I should only be out for three weeks..but we'll see. I guess I'm hoping to go back to work asap because I want to get back to normal as soon as possible. Juliane thank you again for posting..and thanks to everyone for posting. It really helps. :)
Hi Joker... Congrats on your iron levels, that is great news! Good luck on Monday at your doc appt. and please let us know the date of your myo. I work full-time, so when my doctor very firmly told me I needed to be out for 4 weeks, I kinda freaked out. It seemed like a long time, I was worried about how my boss would react, I was concerned about not having the income, etc. etc. etc. My doctor was very, very firm about taking 4 weeks, so that is what I did. Funny thing, at the next appt. one month later, she told me that some people feel well enough to work Part-time after 2 weeks, depending on the type of work you do. Even though I am up and feeling really good, my life is moving in slow motion. A typical day consists of getting up (slowly), walking to the bathroom (slowly), walking to the living room (slowly), reading, sleeping, watching TV. I haven't been outside yet. Tonight my husband and I are planning a walk to the grocery store (it is a block away) and that feels like a big deal. Anyway, I completely understand you wanting life to get back to normal as soon as possible. You are heading in that direction! Take Care, Juliane
Hello - I was surfing around tonight, looking for opinions, stories, etc on pregnancy after a myomectomy and it seems I have come to the right sight. I have been scanning through the wonderful conversation on this message board for about an hour and decided to jump in.
I had my myomectomy on 1-22. I read up quite a bit on the procedure and I made it through! I am on bedrest for six weeks and go in for my post op appt tomorrow. I am just so darn eager for the next step in my journey - which I hope I will find out tomorrow. When my body is ready, we will be doing IUI because my egg production has decreased - great. I am trying to remain positive and hope that this positive att_tiude will remain as this continues. Do any of you know what the success rate of pregnancy after a myomectomy is? Do most people end up on bedrest again? Thanks to all of you who have posted your stories - I needed to read what you had to say.
Have a great day!
Teach- I had a myomectomy about 17 months ago it was about 6 months after my little girl. I had 3 large (orange size) and 7-8 golf ball sizes, I was very very lucky that I carried Kait to 36 weeks, but I was seen and watched every 2 weeks from 10 weeks on. My doc was great in monitoring everything that was going on, I had an ultrasound pretty much everytime I went in! I am now 8 weeks pregnant.....but still AFTER the myomectomy about 10 fibroids that have reappeared..they are ALOT smaller, I have 2 that are quarter size and the others are pea it is much better! Let me know if you have anymore questions and I will try to answer them the best that I can, as every story and experience is different, as you can tell by reading all of these! :-)
Hi. I haven't been on this site for ages and just popped in and now I've got to tell my story.I found out about my fibroids after years of not ever even getting PG.I only found out because they made my periods so heavy I had become dangerously anemic.That was in March of 2005. I was 39 and had been trying for 7 years to get PG.My doc had the myomectomy (for 4 fibroids, golf b___s and marbles) scheduled for June but my bleeding wouldn't stop so he moved it up to May 4th. They tell you to wait 3 weeks after the surgery to have s_x (we waited 22 days, ha ha). Apparently not even my doc thought for me to use birth control. I was PG on my first cycle after the surgery, by the first week in June. And of course new fibroids grew with my baby in there. I was high risk because my age, I was also still somewhat anemic, though I'd had intravenous iron treatments before the surgery and I wound up with elevated blood pressure. And of course my uterus had just been cut open and was now expanding again with a baby.My doc said due to the nature of the cut from the surgery, I'd have to have a c-section. So on February 17th, 2006, David was born and he's having his first birthday party soon. It really does prove the old saying, "When I truly stopped trying so hard, it happened, I got pregnant" I had truly given up at that point. I hope this isn't too long, I just wanted to share my story and show that there is always hope, even when you think there isn't.
Thanks so much for posting, Bridget! That is truly an amazing and wonderful story and most definately an inspirational one. Congrats to you and Happy Birthday to David!
Hi new posters! Teach congrats on your surgery. How have you been feeling after the surgery..pain wise? As you can see from Bridget, you can have a sucessful pregnancy after the myomectomy...The sucess rate is pretty high for getting pregnant afterwards., I don't think bed rest will be necessary just because of the myo, unless there are other complications. I have some news of my own..when i went to see the doc he schd my myo for March 5th which was something I wasn't I'm scared to death.. I'm happy it will be over soon but at the same time scared to death..For all of you who have had the myo, do you rember how you felt 2 weeks after the surgery? I'm hoping to go back to work in 2 weeks..part time. My job is a desk job so I'm hoping my doc will let me go back in 2 or 3 weeks after surgery at least part time. Let me know.
Joker, as long as you are in pretty good shape to start, I'm sure you could be back at work part time after 2 weeks. As you can see from my post, I was frisky enough after 3 weeks, haha. The first few days hurt but you'll be in the hospital and just ask for all the pains meds you need, most places are pretty sympathetic. I found that Demerol worked better for me than Morphine, but everyone is different. It would be great if you can have some help at home for a few days to a week, otherwise take it VERY easy. Also, this was hard but it is important for preventing weird scar tissue from forming. Unless there are complications with your surgery, they will probably make you walk a little bit around 24 hours after the surgery. I looked at them like they were insane, I couldn't believe they were serious but there is good reason, to get your body back on track. When your abdomen is opened it slows down your system so the sooner you trick your body into thinking everything is back on track, the better for your health and probably, chances of conceiving, too. They will have you walk each day and for you, there is a great motivater. I had no idea I'd be pregnant a month later, but you may conceive quickly too. I was 39, to boot! I'm very excited for you, it'll be fine and you'll be a Mommy before you know it.