Subchorionic Bleeding

530 Replies
Kelly - April 12

I am 7 weeks pregnant and have been spotting for the past week. Mostly brownish in color until yesterday and it was bright pink. It was first thing in the a.m. & then nothing for the rest of the day. I had a tv u/s which showed a 1cm subchorionic bleed. My doctor told me the same as everyone elses. She did rea__sure me and told me that she has seen bleeds up to 5cm which is like 2inches and they have healed without having harmed the baby. I was told otherwise that the u/s was normal and saw the baby and heard the heartbeat-122bpm. It's my first pregnancy so I'm concerned because my husband and I want it so badly. I go back for another u/s in 2 weeks. Wish me luck!


Kellie - April 14

I am 6 weeks and 1 day right now, and today I was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed. It's small, but it got me worried. My doctor says it's a small bleed between the placenta and the uterus. Every search I have done has come back with positive results. Most say it is not unusual and usually it will heal itself. Most women will go on to have healthy babies. My doctor said to take it easy, and just slow my pace down and hopefully, when I have my next ultrasound in May, it will either be smaller or gone all together. Just take it easy, you'll be ok!! Prayer works wonders!


MB - April 17

I have been bleeding since I found out I was pregnant and have just recently stopped at nearly 13 weeks. I was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed, too. They did a transv____al ultrasound and external ultrasound; we saw the baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks. The doctor said it doesn't have anything to do with the baby and will not effect the child. However, I had bleeding so heavy at times I thought I was miscarrying. It was bright red for a long time and then finally went to a brownish dark red. It typically happened most often at night when I would feel sick and fatigued. One of the upsides of getting pregnant is not having to deal with a period. I thought I was the only one with the 90 day bleed! Hang in there, it's okay.


Kim - April 26

I was disgnosed with a subchorionic hematoma last Tuesday 4-19-05 after going to the ER because of spotting. The doctor did not tell me how big the hematoma was. I did hear the baby's heartbeat 121 BPM. This is my third pregnancy and the u/s tech said that it may have been caused because my uterus is stretching too fast (already too stretched out I guess:) I was not put on bed rest and I only spotted that one day. I have a follow-up u/s on May 18. I will be praying for all of you and PLEASE try not to worry too much because stressing out is the worst thing you can do during pregnancy. The numbers are on your side:)


BabyRiz - April 27

It's good and relieving to hear from your experiences. I, too, had a miscarriage last December and had taken Clomid since then. I'm having a weird pregnancy accdg to my gynae. My last mense was on 1st March. By right, I should be 7 weeks pregnant. But my blood tests revealed I'm only 5 weeks pregnant. Adding to it, the hcg progresses very slowly, around 100-200 every 2 days. Fortunately, no ectopic preg is detected. However, they found a gest sac equivalent to a size of sac of 3 weeks. I have been bleeding for 13 days, thou most of the time, they are not heavy. I'm praying very hard for this pregnancy. Hopefully, the baby is growing thou very slowly. I feel for women who really want to be pregnant with healthy babies. SO, anyone care to explain about my "weird" pregnancy or do anyone has the same experience. It's enlightening to hear same pregnancy experience which bear healthy babies. Cheers.


cvo - April 27

I am 7 weeks pregnent and have been bleeding for the past 2 weeks. My GYNO said it was a subchorionic bleed and that everything should be OK. He told me to rest and not to have s_x.I am still scared and worried but I am keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck to you all!!


lia - April 28

babyriz: don't worry!!! "they" say that you only ovulate in the middle of your cycle. "they" are wrong. i fell pregnant with my daughter who is now a happy healthy 13 month old two days after the end of my period, and my current pregnancy started the day before my period. dates can be off by up to 4 weeks, so dont stress.


Gail - April 30

OMG, i started bleeding at 6 weeks - 3 times, started bright red then pa__sed clots! - talk about frightening...called all doctors and went in for an u/s. saw the 2 sacs and heartbeats. they monitor me closely as i am pregnant with twins through donor eggs. i rested all week and then last night and today at 7 weeks, more bleeding and clots plopping (!) when i urinated. my levels are good, the heartbeats are strong but i need more of an explanation. no cramping and the bleeding has stopped for now - I HATE GOING TO THE BATHROOM!


Tracey - May 7

I have it now and, the first bleeding started at about 9 weeks and lasted one full day and then turned brown. Then two weeks later the brown started again right after a sonogram. The doctors say the hemmorage is getting smaller and that sometimes the body will absorb it or sometimes it will be released through the v____a as brown. He said this is normal. I am 11 weeks now and will go next week again to have it checked.


Rosa - May 7

I started to bleed on tuesday but i can't find to many answer to my problem. I went to the office on wednesday and the doctor took some blood for hormone testing and on friday i went to get my answer and the hormones were going up but he said they were to low form me because I'am 7 weeks almost 8. He send me home and told me that there is nothing to do that the miscarage has already started and my baby is coming soon. But I was hopping that there is still hope for me I want that baby so much. So please if somebory had this happend before write to me at Thank you I will appreaciated.


Justine - May 9

Rosa - If you can I'd go to hospital (emergency) and get them to do a ultrasound - this will tell you for definate if you are miscarrying or not. The tests aren't as relaible as you can get dates wrong etc. I've bled 8 times now and my baby is still fine and I'm 14 weeks tomorrow so don't give up hope yet. Hope it works out for you.


pennylayne - May 10

I had the same style of beeding, bright red to start, then super light spotting and every now and again, the dark brown, almost black blood. but my blood test show my levels are substantial, and the ultrasound shows a 5 or 6 week embryo, no cramping or anything, but it sure is scary. so nice to know others have gone through this too. I have another appt this friday, do say a little prayer and for thoughs just searching this topic, stay positive, and stay the course, your baby needs you to be strong, and you husband has no clue lol. the bleeding gets lighter the more i rest, so as yoda would say, "managable it is" :)


Denise - May 13

I'm almost 8 wks. along, and I've been to the ER twice this week with subchorionic bleeding. The second time I was there,(yesterday), they told me that my bleed has gotten larger. They said I would probably miscarry because the sac had an irregular shape to it, and because the bleed was very large. The baby had a strong heartbeat, but had decreased in size since I had been there on Sunday. I would like to hear from someone who has had a large bleed, whether good or bad. I know that it's unknown whether or not I will go on to carry this baby, but if anyone has a story like mine, please share! Thanks.


WendyAnn - May 15

Doea anyone know if it's safe to fly when you have sub chorionic bleeding. I'm visiting my mother and we had to rush to the hospital yeserday because I started bleeding. After an u/s and beta I saw my 6 week old baby's heartbeat and was told my levels were fine. But Im getting conflicting stories on whether I should fly home tomorrow, Any advise? WendyAnn


Melissa - June 2

I am at 10 weeks and I have a subchorionic bleed. I started bleeding about 2 weeks ago. The first day it seemed heavy but then stopped, until the night of the second day when I had a gush of red blood. I have had spotting since then and have been confined to the recliner to rest. I had an ultrasound last week and they found a heartbeat and I saw the baby moving. I havent been told if the bleed is small or large, but am hoping and praying for the best. I heard the heartbeat today through the Doppler and the doctor said it was at about 170 bpm. I will say a prayer for all of you and ask you to do the same for me. I have another ultrasound Monday and hope to hear good news.


Maria - June 4

WOW, it's absolutely amazing to see all of these expecting mothers going through the same thing. I too have a subchorionic bleed. My doctor diagnosed it at my Sonogram at 6 Weeks. I bleed for the first time at 8 weeks, (two weeks after my first sonogram) and it was brownish blood. My doctor was alarmed so I went in for an emergency Sonogram and they found that my subchorionic bleed had gotten smaller and they wanted to repeat the sono in 4 weeks to make sure everything was okay and that it had completely gone away. Well 4 weeks from that day would have been this upcoming Monday, June 6th, however, yesterday morning I had the scariest morning of my life. I got up to go the bathroom and upon going, I noticed a ton of bright red blood, including a clot like drop of it, in the toliet, I immediately screamed for my husband to come into the bathroom. He came in and he too was shocked at what we were seeing. So we immediately called my doctor who got me in for an emergency sonogram and I will tell you, the minute I saw my little one up there on that TV screen and it's heartbeat was beating 170 beats per minute, I was so relieved that words cannot express the emotions that overcame me at that moment. I am waiting for the official hard copy results of the sonogram, however the doctor called with the preliminary results on Friday afternoon and said that it appears that the bleed may still be there however it may almost be completely dissolved, so she put me on bed rest for two weeks and then in two weeks, we will repeat the sono again just to be sure that everything is okay. I have to say that I am now 12 weeks pregnant and I have been to 3 sonograms so far. If you are nervous about your bleeding, call your doctor and ask them to do a sonogram because it's very rea__suring to you to know that your baby is okay. Also, my doctor told me that this "type" of bleeding is not uncommon and she said that although it seemed like I lost a ton of blood in the toliet, she would have been more alarmed if it was enough blood to soak a pad every 10 minutes. My sister is a nurse and she said that moreoften that not, bleeding in a pregnancy DOES NOT mean a miscarriage, so try not to be like me and freak yourself out when you see blood, I know it's hard, but call your doctor and let them tell you what it is and what you should do. Yesterday morning I thought the worst and I made myself sick over it. Thank goodness for my husband to calm me down and keep me sane, because if not, I don't know what I would have done. God will bless all of us and keep us safe and healthy. May all of you mothers have a wonderful pregnancy and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you for a beautiful healthy baby!



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