19 Weeks And Very Depressed

1 Replies
Help! - May 18

I have everything a woman could want a great husband a beautiful son and a baby on the way. I am soooo depressed and lonely! My hubby works all the time and I don't have any help around the house or with my son and have been very very sick. I am finding myself hating my life and wishing I was in some kind of romance (I've been having dreams) with another man. I told my husband I haven't been feeling like a couple lately and he just took it the wrong way. I feel like my depression is ruining my life!


Fabienne - May 19

I'm sorry to hear that. I know pregnancy can really get you depressed and give you thoughts you never thought you'd have.... have you talked to your doctor about it ? I know I did. I didn't dare at first but one day, I just burst into tears and told the doc all my worries - she listened and was very understanding. It helped. I then tried to seek help in different ways... I forced myself to call my relatives and friends for help. I'm glad I did. They're glad I did too. I'm no longer spending my weeks alone - Are there people around you that you could call ? There's no shame in calling for help.



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