Know Anyone Who S Had An Endometrial Ablation
5 Replies
Ok, this a bit off topic of postpartum, but I just found out that I'm having an endometrial ablation. They (tmi- stop reading if you're squeamish) put a balloon-like device through the va___a and into the uterus and use radio waves (I think??) to burn the endometrial layer. This is under general anesthesia. My doc said anyone who has this will never be able to have children, but I've had my tubes tied (I have three kids), so that's not an issue. If everything works 100%, I'll never have a period again, or I'll have them but VERY light! Anyway, my question is, has anyone here had this or know someone that did? And was is successful for them? The success rate is 80%. For me, if it's not, the next route is hysterectomy, so that's why I'm wondering...
I am pregnant at 41! I had uterine abalation in july 2003 & have not had a cycle since...occasionaly spotting but that is, bam! my Doctor tell me I am pregnant!
I had an ablation and had very light periods with little or no cramping for about 6 months. Then my periods started to get heavier and the bleeding increased a little. My periods were never as bad a before the ablation though. Hope this helps.
KATE- I had mine done Aug. 18th and had my post-surgical check-up last week. I was on what I thought was a very light period (only needed a panty-liner), but now I'm not sure... I'm STILL having that light bleeding. It seems to just keep going on and on. I don't know when this bleeding will stop, but if it doesn't within a few weeks, I guess I'll have to go back in and find out what's going on. Did you ever have anything like that after your ablation?
I am a little worried about pregnancy right now. I had an endometrial ablation in March of this year. I also had a tubal ligation in December of 1991. I have had no periods since my ablation. I began having pelvic aching (sometimes pinching pains), lower abdominal aches, and feel flush every so often. Went to my doctor yesterday for an exam (he did a pelvic and felt around my abdomen), ordered some urine testing (no idea what), and also ordred some blood work although that is on hold for about a day. He did not mention any possibility of pregnancy. I can't get rid of this feeling though. He said that I am borderline for uti and put me on an antibiotic. Sometimes the achiness is quite a bit more pronounced and causes me considerable discomfort. What were your symptoms and how were you diagnosed as pregnant?
I had the endometrial abaltion done 2008, and my tubes are tied. My periods are getting heavy again. I have fibroids and they are very painful. My belly is very swollen and it looks like I am 3 months pregnant, but I am not. and my dr said to not panic if I bleed a lot. I am going to get a second opion.