I am a mother of 3 and have had a miscarriage in the past in my 6th month. My sister-in-law just had her 1st child. The little girl is 7 months old now. I have been very patient with my sister-in-law, as she was diagnosed with OCD as a teenager. My children's ages are 11, 11, and 5. At first, my sister-in-law did not allow my children to come in the same room with her new infant. There was an actual line they could not pass. Now, my sister-in-law's baby is of age to pull herself up and wants to interact with her cousins. When the baby tries to interact with my 5-year-old, my sister-in-law automatically tells my son he is doing something wrong and to leave the baby alone. Last night, she literally took the baby out of his hands when he was sitting on the floor and giving the child a hug. My sister-in-law took the baby and walked out of the room due to her anxiousness. My children are not misbehaving when this happens. They are not trying to hurt the baby and the baby seems quite happy and smiling and laughing. Is this behavior from the mother as odd to anyone else as it is to me?