My d/d is two wks old. I had a easy delivery but have now developed AWFUL hemmroids. Preparation H isn't helping. Any suggestions?
| San - October 30 |
You could try some Anusol suppositories. Also get some epsom salts and have sitz baths. If they get bad enough or don't seem to be going away go to your doctor and s/he can lance them. I know how much they suck! Good luck
I had them for about 1 month. Make sure you drink lots of water, take a laxative if you need it and eat a good diet full of fruit/veggies. They will go away.
i didnt think mine were that bad until i went for my 6wk check. To behonest the only way i knew i had them was due to a small amount of bleeding when going to the loo. My dr has referred me to a surgeon to see if he can shrink them with an injection. If they're bothering you alot maybe ask your Dr if he/she can do this for you.