Is My Postpartum Excercise Plan To Soon
5 Replies
I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my first child and I am trying to figure out my exercise plan for after delivery. I am thinking about taking a jazz dance class at my local community college that is tuesday and thursday from 9 am to 11 am, but my due date is August 6th, and the class starts around August 23rd. Even if my baby were right on time, she wouldn't even be a month old by the time the class starts which worries me because she will be so little, and I will probably be so tired! Plus, I have NEVER been a morning person so I might just feel more exhausted, and I don't know if I want to be away from her so soon especially because I'm br___t feeding. What if there are complications? I could be recovering from them, or if she's late (like most of my family) she will just be so young! On the other side of things, the class is only two hours a day, two days a week (which translates to only four hours a week) and It may be nice to have a little time to myself and get back in shape. I just don't want to be overwhelmed, thinking that I can handle more things at once than I really can, especially with a new baby. My pregnancy has been so hard and exhausting so far! I don't know if that has an impact in how quickly/well I will recover or not... Maybe those of you with kids can help? Or even anyone else who has advice! Should I give the class a try, or take it easy for a few months? Thanks!
| K - April 21 |
My daughter is 9 weeks old. I would recommend not signing up for anything until after the baby is born and you see how things go. Even if I physically could have taken a cla__s like that, there is no way between being tired from being up all night and the b___stfeeding schedule I could have managed it. I still can't find time for the gym, so I am trying to do DVDs at home. Also, most doctors will not let you start any kind of real exercising until 6 weeks post partum. Your doctor probably will not approve of a 2 hour cla__s that early, and it probably is not a good idea to try it. For me, I wound up having an unplanned emergency C-section and physically there is no way I could even have attempted something like that until I hit about 7 weeks post partum.
Thank you k =) It is good to hear advice from moms who have had first hand experience with being a new mom. I was worried about the b___st feeding schedule also, and I can only imagine how tired I will be! I was thinking that DVDs might be a good alternative also because I can just do them when the baby is sleeping, or when my fiance is spending time with her etc... who knows if I'll actually get the time though! Well, congratulations on the new baby and thanks for the advice. =)
I would wait and see how you feel. Your delivery could be a breeze or very difficult. Mine was perfect and I ended up going back to work 9 days later. (didn't tell my dr though). I say listen to your body. Its better that way.
wow sara b! I'm glad that your labor went so well =) I think I will wait and see how I feel also. I don't want to strain by body or my time to much.
I agree with Sara B. My delivery was absolutely perfect. I was up and walking as soon as the epidural wore off.