Miss Being Preg

9 Replies
jenna32 - March 1

i miss being pregnant and a little baby :( i know i am crazy. does anyone else feel like this? i know i might not be able to have another one for a year or more. i'd have to save more and i'm not married either,which is a huge problem that i swear to myself i won't do again,lol. my dd is 15 months now. Does anyone else get like this?


clindholm - March 4

I think it happens to most of us that have had babies. The anticipation and excitement are addictive. It usually comes and goes for me. Good for you waiting until life is more stable to have more lo's. Enjoy your dd know that you are not alone!


jenna32 - March 13

thanks. it will be so much better later on, i know. But i'm 1 of those people that are just like "but what if i cant have kids later or something happens"cuz i always wanted to be a mama since i was little,now i kinda look back and think i should of waited in a way but i still love it and her. i don't know how some people decide to have hysterectomys and just say their done having kids,at this point i don't know if i could ever do that! i think i understand why octomom had so many,lol.


funnygal84 - March 23

Some day I miss it. My twins are now almost 4 months and I adore them, but sometimes i do wish i were still pregnant. I was able to take naps whenever I wanted to. My husband doted on me. It was nice. Now I do 80% of the work around the house. At the same time, I remember how miserable i was at the end.


jenna32 - March 26

aw,not me i loved every minute of it.Except maybe the pica i had cravings for weird things. Oddly enough my back didn't hurt much even and apparently i was carrying a 9 lb 13 oz baby. i was anxious to get her out though, i don't think i will be so anxious to next time around.


TaraO - March 29

I can't wait to have another. I have an 11 year old and an almost 4 month old!!! I can not wait...


jenna32 - April 1

only four months old and you still can't wait? you are crazy. i rather space mine out a little, around 6 months is when i started thinking of more, so i can give them more attention when they are more spaced out.


Shea831 - April 9

I'm one of those women who hate being pregnant. I love infants though. I love the sound of their cry. I hate being uncomfortable, and every stranger coming up to me and touching my stomach. It's not going to bring you luck. LOL. My husband acts different around me. He acts like we're room mates and not married. He's very distant when I'm pregnant. Well almost done with this pregnancy. 4 weeks left.


mommy21angel - April 15

i miss it too but cant have any right now cuz of family probs. my pg with my son was horrible but i wouldnt trade it for the world lol i know im crazy but i always wanted kids and wouldnt have it any other way!!


Briarsmommy - April 21

Being pregnant was the best time of my life. I was the happiest I have ever been. I felt great inside and out. I have a 7 month old and will be tring again really soon! I just hope everything goes as smoothly the 2nd time around!



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