Abs Excersize When Pregnant
2 Replies
I have been doing ab excersizes as usual in my first trimester and have now stopped as I am nearly three months. Does anyone know any stomach excersizes that are safe to do from now on. I do pilates but read that it is not safe to excersize on your back ?
Hi there, I am 19 weeks , and cannot do any crunches anymore- on the swiss ball. I have adjusted my routine. Great exercises for strengthening the core is the supermans- kneeling on all 4's stance- I also do a lot of cable exercises, watch out for the rotations. You do not want topull anything. I do rope crunches with cables too.
this may not help you, but there are defiently exercises that you can do.
Good luck with your pregnancy.
Oh- and yes it is not good to exercise on your back after 17 weeks. Blood pools , and the circulation is affected down in the uterus.
Just went to the gym today, I'm four months pg and just stopped doing my sit ups, I still can but I'm being cautious! I've started to do (advice from my personal trainer) abs with the arm slings. I don't knw what they are called actually but you hang in them and lift your legs, really easy on my shoulders and feels great with my abs! Since I'm not really showing yet, trainer also said to use the swiss ball that's okay to use until you can't do them any longer, she also told me about the super man! Good luck and stay in shape!