Hello all, I'm 12 weeks and not quite showing; however, when my belly starts to grow, wondering can anyone recommend an oil or cream to help 'reduce' stretch marks? I see lots out there price range from 5-40 bucks. Any works better than others.
I use cocoa b___ter cream, either the Palmers or the off brand and sometimes pure Olive Oil (it is nature's closest match to your skin's natural oil). Drinking lots of water is key as well.
I use a light Sesame Oil made by Neutragena when I get out of the shower, and have since the very beginning of my pregnancy. I like it because it doesn't sit on your skin like baby oil can. I am currently 24 weeks with a huge belly and so far so good (knock on wood). I also tend to rub on any stretch mark cream or lotion I have gotten samples of when I am laying there watching TV.
i tried everything from straight vitamin E, to baby oil, to gold bond, to udder cream, to olive oil, to stretch mark lotion when i was pregnant. i still got stretch marks. i'm not trying to discourage you, i just think the stretch marks have a mind of their own and will show up if they want to. :( i really hope you don't get any.
My naturopath recommended buying coconut oil from a health food store. You heat it up in the microwave until it is a liquid and then I add some regular lotion to it. It is kind of greasy but it seems to help.
i used cocoa b___ter through my whole pregnancy and didn't get strech marks until about 7 months when i got really big people asked me if i was haveing twins. so good luck. i still have stretch marks visible lighter then they were but now i am ttc# 2 so more are probaly on there way when i get pregnant.
Hi mummy, i always swear by the johnstons creams, the b___ter milk ones there quite thick, they worked with my last bump and didnt get any stretch marks!..so must be good. I think though if your meant to get them you just will. My friend never got any all the way through her preg, up to the last week. I remember waking up in the middle of the nite feeling my skin stretch as i rolled over, and having about 5 creams by my bed ready!..and caking myself in them convinced if i didnt id wake up with a huge stretch mark. Im 8 weeks and just starting to use again. good luck .
i used to use bio-oil its around £10-15 a bottle but really effective and you only need to use a small amount. it even fades the ones you already have....its not a miracle cure but with prolonged usage it will help a lot! hope this helps as much as it did me x
The lotions/creams don't do much. I used baby oil/ with aloe occa__sionally (maybe 2-3 times a week after a bath). Just don't gain too much, eat well, drink lots of water and take vit E. I didn't get any the last preg.
Almond oil is better than coco b___ter
I use Palmers coca b___ter and I use Palmers Olive oil lotion/b___ter. I lather it alllll over my stomach and sides in the morning and before bed. I do believe coca b___ter works but I guess it depends on the woman. I had stretch marks on my lower sides from when I started working out and lost weight. I started lather coco b___ter on them after my workouts and they gradually got smaller and blended in with my skin color more. I say just use the coco b___ter [it cant hurt], eat healthy and try not to gain any excess weight that you dont need.