I'm still doing my elliptical for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week. But last time I did it, I realized how much I was bouncing. Anyone have any thoughts as to whether this is OK? I've been doing this same workout for a while now, so it's not like I'm starting anything new.
Check w/dr but I was told as long as you have a low risk pregnancy (no pain, bleeding, cramps, false contractions, etc), I could continue regular exercise. I don't think bouncing is a problem (I ran bases playing softball til 7 mos preg, and also rode my horse). The only concern is over exertion, any exercises where you're holding your breath or stop flow of oxygen, and of course, risk of collision in contact sports. I was actually at the gym, on stairmaster, on my due date, when i started getting my first faint contractions.... my son is now 9 mos.
Well I guess if horseback riding is OK, then the ellliptical is just fine! That's great that you were so active throughout your entire pregnancy. I was NOT exercising with my son (3 years old), but I'm determined to exercise through this one.
Don't get me wrong....the horseback riding was a risk. If I fell off, it could have had serious repercussions. But the actual act of riding, trotting and cantering, bouncing up and down, didn't do anything. (actually I fell playing softbal early on, and that really freaked me out, but the dr said don't worry about it.). The exercise def made preg much easier for me. And I went into labor on my due date. Good luck.
I've been doing it throughout my entire pregnancy for 1.5 hrs 3 days a week (3 days I did spinning) and everything was fine and it kept me in great shape - after I gave birth, I had no weight to lose!
i am going to buy an elliptical to start useing i don't know if i am pregnant or not but i think if i am it is good and if i am not at least i will lose some of the wieght from when i was pregnant with my daughter. so amyway how long and how many days a week should you use the elliptical while pregnant or while ttc?