HI all - I am only 7w0d right now. I run (before pregnancy and now) 3 miles 5x per week. At the end of last week, and now this week, I feel REALLY fatigued when running. Can I compare notes with anyone else? I can barely keep the jog going when I am doing it so I am now probably jogging 1/2 the distance and fast walking 1/2 the distance. I want to keep working out through the enitire pregnancy. I swear, it's the only way I know to keep the "
moody" hormones at bay! So I don't want to stop!!!
I had the same issues at the beginning regarding fatigue. By the second trimester I was back to feeling normal. I ran at least 3x a week 2-5 miles up to the day before I delivered. By the end I was running pretty slow, like 5mph, but at least I was still running. I did walk a lot too though. Good luck and have fun. (side note: don't listen to the ignorance of others when they say running is bad during pregancy. There is no research stating that, unless it is a complicated pregnancy. In fact more and more research is coming out about the benefits of continuing to exercise. One of the big researchers is Dr. Clapp III is think that's his name. Good stuff though.) Enjoy your pregnancy.
Haydensmom - Well I will certainly freak people out when I switch it up in November/December and start x country skiing daily on a five mile track out our back door! I have to laugh, I must be such a wimp, I think my regular jog is around 6-7 mph lol! It's like an 8-9 min. mile. I am at an elevation of 9300 feet though so it's pretty hard on the lungs. I'm not training, just keeping the heartbeat going and staying slender. For you, was it worth it to jog/exercise the whole time? Did it do great things for the baby, keep your weight down, etc? Or is it actrually a waste of time and we should all just give in to nine months of twinkies (or in my case, the buckets of red grapes I keep eating)? That seems stupid to me. Why get fat in pregnancy when you wouldn't be fat in your normal life? Eat well, get lots of rest andexercise I think is the key. Not "I gained 35 pounds therefore my baby is very healthy, now I weigh 210 and have joined the stats in the US but it's not my fault - I was pregnant). My friend is pregnant with twins and is 18 weeks. She claims to have gained 20 pounds so far - and started the pregnancy heavy already - and is worried it is not enough so has started supplmenting her diet with McDonalds and ice cream. WTF?
MelissaK, it was well worth it to work out the entire time. But funny, I did gain 45 pounds! I ate very healthy (and never fast food), but I just ate a lot. The good news is that 6 weeks after delivery I only had 9 pounds left to lose. I think it helped with the delivery process too, 5 contractions and he was out. I did have an epidural, my personal theory was 'why be in pain?'. From water breaking to baby popping out my labor/delivery was 10 hours ( I was only awake for about 2 hours of it.) I had a very healthy baby, 8 pounds. He is now 95 percentile for height and weight, but DH and I are both well over 6 foot tall. Don't worry about the bucket of grapes, enjoy and have fun with it. I'm jealous about the xc skiing, sounds great.
i dont know if you care about what i read. this is my first pregnancy and i read non stop which isnt all the help i thought it would be, but they say if you excersized before you get pregnant then continue it while you are pregnant, only if you begin to get out of breath and cant hold a conversation then slow down or switch to something else, because the oxygen flow to the baby will be lessened. they say walking and swimming (but i hate walking i feel like im not getting anything done) are the best excersizes, and i really wouldnt do the skiing, thats one of the things they say definitely dont do because your balance will be off and chances of falling are greater.
Hey MelissaK, this is from personal experience..I used to be extremely fit before getting pregnant, and I kept working out throughout my entire pregnancy (both cardio and weights)..Not at the same intensity as before, simply because I couldn't , but I still did 1-1.5 hrs of cardio 6 days a week. I was in hard labor for over 10 hrs with no pain medication (not even gas and air), and I think the reason I could do it was my fitness...Also, after giving birth, I weighed less than before getting pregnant, the only reason I weigh 2 lbs heavier now is because of all the pigging out I've done of late...I still remained the same size throughout (1-2) and now I'm back to training at almost full intensity...So I say, keep it up!