I'm 27 weeks with my first. At my 24 week appointment, I asked if there was a magic number of kegels to do, or not to exceed, per day. The nurse pract_tioner I saw that day had 40+ years of experience and several children. She said 50-100 kegels per day was good. I said that I have been doing 20-30 per day, but I could up that number. She said 20-30 was good too, as long as I was doing them. So I started doing more, maybe 50-60 per day. That was 2-1/2 weeks ago. I know this sounds crazy, but this past week, whenever I do kegels, my left knee hurts! Could this have anything to do with how pregnant women can develop sciatica? Or that I have a history of back and knee problems? Also - but wait; there's more! - every so often, my pelvic floor muscles are sore! I especially notice this while doing some of the exercises in my yoga for pregnancy workout dvd. Am I nuts? Has anyone else experienced anything of the sort? Thanks for any input you may have.