Quad And Wave Runner While Pregnant
5 Replies
I'm wondering if it is ok to perform 4 wheel activities like quading as well as riding on wave runners while pregnant? I'm not sure if I'm pregnant yet but we're trying and I don't want to jeapordize any chances. Does anyone know anything about these types of activities while pregnant?
I just asked my mid wife the same question. I'm 23 weeks and she said it was fine as long as I was careful and not going wild. If it's hurting you, chances are it's hurting the baby. Then you know to stop!
I have a wave runner my self and i am pregnant i would not chance it. Just because you are careful it doesen't mean everyone else is. I wouldn't just because no matter how safe you are you can still get hurt. Good Luck!!!
My sister's dr said it was ok to ride in a boat but my Dr said NO. But I think it's how you feel if it starts getting uncomfortable then it's time to get off you know common sense but I personally am not going to chance it!! good luck
is it safe to ride in a boat while pregnant, first trimester?
I also have a wave runner and when I was pregnant with my 9 month old I asked my doctor and he told be it is not the best thing to be on because if you bounce to hard it can hurt the baby and maybe 50/50 have a miscarriage. He said Just one little bad move or hard bounce will make you lose the baby for sure. Good Luck hun. Hope i can help!!