How soon is travel a no no?
18-26 weeks is optimal for airplane travel. Air travel after 27 weeks is not recommended without doctor's approval. I know most airlines won't let you fly after 35 weeks (unless there is something like a death in the family) because it can cause premature labor.
up to 36wks u can travel on airplane unless dr said no
I travelled from the US to Australia in week 22 and back in week 24. It 's a long way and I was quite swollen by the time I got to Australia, the only swelling I've had (now week 30). Coming back I had the bulkhead and could put my feet up which really made a difference. I wouldn't go much later though - the tray table wouldn't fit down :)
I had morning sickness and barfed on the plane when I flew at 11 weeks. If you are having morning sickness, do think twice. The second trimester seems like a great time to travel, though.
I flew at 28 weeks and doc said nothing after 35
We're moving from Germany to Florida and I'm going to have to fly when i'm 34 weeks ( 9 hour flight). Doc says as long as pregnancy is going just fine, and everything is going smooth, that flying no later than 35 weeks is just fine.