Getting Back In Shape

4 Replies
CHARLIE - August 12

I gave birth to twins 2 months ago. One was delivered va___ally the other through c-section. I have a huge pouch @ the bottom of my stomach. Is there any way I can get rid of it? While I don't have a lot of free time & can't get out of the house much I need suggestions on what excerises I can do to lose the weight. HELP


reply - August 12

walk, walk walk for at least 30 minutes a day at least 4-5 times a week. Or even 15 minutes, after I had my 1st baby I gained well over 60lbs and lost all of it simply by walking, I started off with just a mile a day then it eventualy went to two miles a day. It also gives you alot more energy to do other chores like clean house and laundry, it will help gaurenteed.. Good- Luck


Leah - November 17

Hi Charlie, did you participate in exercise before the birth of your twins? If so, you can start out by walking but interval training will burn the most fat quickly along with a good weight training program, but of course walking is always a wonderful option!!!


aida - January 13

Download tae-bo trening by Billy Blanks and do it at home. Believe me, in month or two you will have muscles and flat stomach.


Nick - January 13

what about a pilates or yoga DVD? A lot of these workouts, especially pilates focus on the abs.



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