I'm 7months far along and have not seen any signs of stretche marks . . . so far. What can I do to keep it this weight and when i have the baby will i see any stretch marks? if so how can i get rid of them afterwards?
I didn't start to notice any until after that point. I don't know if it would be wise or healthy to try not to gain any more weight. Just eat sensibly and moisturize ALL THE TIME. Some women are just more susceptible to stretch marks, if you are one of them there nothing you can do to prevent them. Cocoa b___ter is supposed to be a very good moisturizer, but there are tons of products out there just for this.
lucky you... i'm very susceptible to stretch marks apparently : (
I have 2 children 5yrs. and 9 months and I only got 3 little stretch marks after my body went back to normal size 110 lbs. I can not complain.
| K - October 23 |
Keep your weight gain gradual. I didn't get my stretch marks till recently and I am 36 wks.. I only have them on the sides of my b___sts and my thighs.I have been using Palmers cocoa b___ter formula. These lotions are not proven to work, but many women claim that they do and you are not losing anything by using one because they will moisturize your dry itchy tummy.After you have the baby your stretch marks will fade drastically to a silvery white color and you may not mind them because they wont be so noticeable.If you still want them removed you can get laser surgery which isn't too costly.If the stretch marks are fairly recent you don't need many treatments to remove them so it is cheaper.Also, this is painless.Hope that helps
| v - November 18 |
my friends mom used baby oil on her tummy and after she gave birth they were gone! lol so thats what i am goign to do and the coco b___ter!:)
I just had a baby and at 7 months I didn't have any stretch marks but by my ninth mnth I had some light marks, I gaines alot of weight(50 pounds) however Now, 6 months later I can barely see them... I used palmers cocoa b___ter for pregnant woman every day of the pregnancy and after I don't think it prevents marks but I do think it helped them fade!!!
you are very lucky, just keep eating and use lotion all the time, everyday. i started noticing strech marks when i was 3 months pregnant.
trust me dont wait till you get stretchmarks to do something about them..try and prevent them, like they say prevention is better than a cure. Palmers cocoa b___ter is a great moisturiser and Emu oil is even better because it penetrates into the second layer of the skin (where stretch marks are) where as other lotions only moisturise the first layer. Plus when i was pregnant i took Vitamin A and Bio Zinc tablets which help maintain healthy skin and wound healing and i have no stretchmarks now. the ones i got when i was a teenager have disappeared drastically. i think you should give it a go. you've got nothing to lose..but if you dont try you've got a whole lot of stretchmarks to gain.
Shalini, Where do you get Emu Oil? (I live in Vancouver, Canada). Do you think you could use Palmers and Emu Oil together? I'm just about 6 weeks along and I want to get a head start on the whole stretch mark thing.
Shalini, it is proven that (high doses of ) Vitamin A can cause miscarriage. Please keep that in mind in the future.
| LD - February 8 |
You can buy Pure emu oil at www.smellthisbathandbody.com It is one of the most affordable places to buy the pure oil.
I didn't get stretch marks until my 9th month, they are bad and not very many, but I used Re-Fine stretch mark cream from Avon, and it is awesome and affordable-$12.00 and I saw a difference within 2 weeks. I highly recommend it!
Hi Guys
I wanna have a prefect body with no stretch marks, purky b___bs and back to my slim figure right after i have my baby in 9 weeks..
Try Palmers pregnancy cream!!!! It has Cocoa b___ter, Collagen, Elastin, and Vitamin E, which are all of the ingredients that people say work!!! I used this cream throughout my pregnancy and it worked, but after I gave birth I stopped using the cream and I wasn't done losing my pregnancy weight so I got stretch marks. I would highly suggest that you always apply this cream, even just once a day, throughout your pregnancy and even after your pregnancy, just to make sure. Oh and apply this cream on your thighs, b___t, stomach,lower back, and b___sts. You never know where they will appear, and trust me this cocoa b___ter (which is about 5.00 0 for a big tube) is a lot cheaper than laser surgery (even then they can't really get rid of them). Good Luck.
1 week and I dont know if im pregnant I got my period mostly brown spots but red to how long should I wait untill I get A pregnantcy test Im only 14 .