Suddenly Exhausted During Exercise
3 Replies
I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and I have been trying to work out on my elliptical trainer throughout my pregnancy. I only do 15 minutes every other day, which isn't much, but at least it's something. Anyway, it's been going fine up to now but suddenly today I felt so exhausted while I was on it. I could hardly talk even though I was going slower than usual and I quit after only 10 minutes. I felt like I had no energy and no muscle strength. Has anyone had this happen to them? Is it just today or is it suddenly going to be harder every time? Any advice would be welcome.
| T - December 8 |
I have totally experienced what you are talking about. I work out on a stationary bike 30 min a day starting all the way back before I even got pregnant. It always made me feel very good and energized then all of the sudden out of nowhere my body would just not want to do it that day. I would feel like such a failure because I worked so hard to develope a good pace that wasn't to strenuous and it was the one thing I would always do for myself that would make me feel good. So it really started to irritate me that I couldn't do it everyday. But, I got used to it and just realized that it is my baby's way of telling me "No mommy! I'm not up for this today!" So I've just gotten use to listening to my body and when it says no I don't do it. I believe this is completely normal. Frustraiting, but normal.
I understand!!! I am only 3.5 months pregnant, and have a hard time doing a 30min. walk. I get breathless, and am always soooo tired. I have ALWAYS been a workout-aholic. I was used to working out 45 min./ 6 tims per week before getting pregnant. So, I started out in GREAT shape. Its frustrating b/c everyone is telling me to keep up the exercise b/c it will make my body pop back into shape more easily after giving birth. It's just sooo hard to do!! I also work about 6 hours/day and have to cook all the meals b/c my husband is clueless when it comes to cooking, so I just dont have the time or energy every day. I think the best thing is to listen to your own body. Lord....if I tried doing what some of these women do (ex: running 3 miles/day while pregnant)...I would wind up unconscious on the side of the road!!! So, just do what you can, and have comfort in knowing.....YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE.....despite what you read about the SUPER PREGNANT WOMEN on this forum.
Thanks for the responses. I guess all we can do is just keep doing whatever exercise we can and know that at least the bit we can do will still help!