How Far Along Would I Be -pg118902749284
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I am prego, I did a home test Aug 31.
My last regular AF was Fri., june 29. But I had bleeding Sat, Aug 4 - a week later then should be and shorter then normal.
for the past three years I have had a regular cycle every 4 weeks on thursday or friday. That includes while on/off perscribed birth control.
the year prior to that (my first time originally getting on birthcontrol) one of the reasons I started taking it was b/c I had an irregular AF. I have been off BC since May.
I have a hard time believing that after 3 yrs of being regular and only 2 months after getting off b/c that I would have irregular ones again.
We were TTC in aug. But is it possible that we actually concieved a month earlier than planned? I mean is a late and shorter AF a possible preg sign? In the past couple weeks I have also noticed bloatedness, some pains, and being able smell stuff I never did before. All of these which I NEVER experience on a normal cycle basis.
But if i was only 2-3 wks when i tested, would i be getting symptoms or have gotten a pos result?
(2-3 wks is based on if i go with my normal cycle time or the delayed one)