
33 Replies
exsmoker - September 1

My best friend smoked weed during her pregnancy and while b___stfeeding. Her son aidan will be two this month and is FINE. The issue of marijuana is more political than anything else. I see nothing wrong with smoking weed. This coming from a member of a twelve step program who has been sober for awhile. To answer your question about your baby testing positive and how long it is in the baby's system I can only guess. I think it makes sense that your baby will test positive if you smoke up until the birth because marijuana stays in an adult's system for around 30 days and is bound to be in your baby's system. How long after your baby is born will it still be in his/her system? I would think at least 30 days if not more as infants are more susceptible to things like temperature, food, light and therefore marijuana. One thing to consider. I had physical withdrawal symptoms for the first 6 months after i quit smoking. They weren't anything I couldn't handle, just things like headaches and some nausea. If an adult with marijuana in her system has withdrawal symptoms, it is probably safe to say that an infant will also have withdrawal symptoms. Ultimately it is YOUR decision. Get the facts, talk to your doctor. Coming on her and talking about it shows your concern. If you decide to continue smoking that does NOT mean that you don't love your child or you love weed more than your child. Lastly, You may want to evaluate your habit as it could easily lead to addiction (more psychological than physical, but it also has a physical aspect) Good luck and best wishes for you and your baby.


jojo - September 2

I think yes ,esp. if you smoke all the way to the end also and hyper-emesis(extreem morning sickness) is something I have observed in five of my friend who smoked through their pregnancy ,I think that if you smoke through the first three months then your body has not adjusted,so when you give it up ,say when a relative comes to visit or stay, then the morning sickness returns only worse than befor because your body has not adjusted to pregnancy without the drug,if this continues past the fist trimester then your stuck, because if you give up the vomiting is so severe that it is impossible make the weight gains that are so important after that fist trimester. all five of my friends then started to convince themselves and those around them that pot was good for the hyperemesis,I gave up pot in the third week of pregnancy and suffered through the morning sickness,however i dids start again for a three week stint around the sixth month, when relatives came to visit,so I stopped again,sure enough the morning sickness came back. that was enough evidence I needed not to start again. I am 100% sure that if you continue smoking past that 3 mth point you will get hyper emesis esp. if you were smoker (pot) befor.


TO LEAH - September 3

My friend smoked pot throughtout preg , everything fine but she smoked when labour began to happen and so prolonged the labour as everything slowed down , just something to remember.


J-me - September 9

Yes, your baby will test positive. I have two children, a boy who is three and a girl who is three months. I smoked pot during both of my pregnancies all the time. I smoked a pack of ciggarettes a week with my son and I did not smoke any ciggarettes with my daughter. My son was 6 pounds 13 ounces and my daughter was 8 pounds 4 ounces. My son was a week early and my daughter was a week late (they had to induce labor). Both of my kids were born perfectly healthy with apgar scores of 10 and there were no complications during either pregnancy, labor, or delivery. They are still perfectly healthy and very smart. I knew the first time I got pregnant that there was really no strong proof that pot could harm an unborn child. I smoked during my entire pregnancies and its only proved to me what I believed in from the beginning. They drug tested me and both of my kids after they were born without my permission. I tested negative and both kids tested positive. Social services came to my house both times and now I am awaiting a court date. They are trying to prove that i am a bad mom and my children are neglected, which is the exact opposite of the truth. I am a single mom and neither father pays child support and i don't get any help from anyone. I have done nothing more than provide for my kids everything they need. On top of that I clean every room in my house daily. I was fired from my job for being pregnant with my daughter when i was 8 months along. I just got a job 2 weeks ago. No one would hire me because I was so huge and I couldn't look for a job until i recovered. I had engoug financial security to survive, which is better than 85% of america. Which means that most of the people trying to prove that i am a bad mom would not have been able to survive in the same situation and would have lost everything. The legal system is very screwed up and if they think they are going to take my kids, they're wrong. They are going to have to catch me first. There are plenty of other people that they should be investigating instead of me. I have friends who have done the same as me and had their kids at different hospitals and were never drug tested. If you want to keep smoking pot, don't have your baby in an Oakwood related facility and you should not have a problem.


Leah - September 13

I must have gotten into this wrong but I am worried about my sisters baby. I walked into her house 2 days ago and found her teenageer in the living room with her 3 month old in the room with a few firends and they were smoking pot. I was really upset. This baby only weighs 10 lbs and the room was full of smoke. I know my sister smoked pot the whole time she was pregnant & I am having the hard decision about weather or not to turn her in. Is there any way to have the baby tested to see if she is positive for exposure to anything? I love my sister and this will cause a LOT of trouble in the family but that baby is pretty defenseless.


preganantma - September 16

im 8 months preganant and if i take a puff or smoke the whole blunt of some good cronic, what will happened to my baby


momof2 - February 17

i dont think that they will test w/o ur permission first of all and if its in his system then i have no idea for how long. i smoked the last week of my pregnancy and nothing happened.


lindsay - February 24

I can't tell you not smoke or smoke, my sister smoked with her kids, but I would dare do it with mine. If you are worried and asking questions then maybe you shouldn't, I mean "when in doubt, don't try it out". Just ask a dr and see what they say. Or just take into consideration, do you want people to smoke that stuff around your baby.


momof3 - March 20

I have never seen any difinitive reports on marajuana harming in pregnancy other then the weight gain from eating. I am 7 months pregnant and struggle all day with my addiction to pot. I smoke at night and its better then smoking all day. I dont reccomend nor am I proud however I am an attentive mother, caring and good provider. My mother smoked whille pregnant and Im okay(I think) Testing on infant would only be done if the mother is in rehad or court ordered due tobeing in trouble. They do not screen for marajuana as a routine....


MystinaAlise - March 23

I smoke pot and while I gave up cig's I'm not giving up the weed... my mother smoked the whole time she was pregnant with me... my sister smoked through both of her pregnancies (sp?) but I do know this... smoking pot is harmful to the baby and it will cause low birth weight just like cig's will... it causes a lack of O2 along with other things... And i have never heard of testing a baby for pot... crack and coke yes... but not pot... maybe I'm wrong but if they don't have a reason to test i doubt they can do it without permission


ataylor724 - March 31

To answer your original question, Leah, marijuana will stay in the baby's blood stream for anywhere between 4-8 weeks before birth. Like some people have said different countries view marijuana in very different ways. In the USA, a mother who tests positive for drugs at an appt or has told her OB that she has done drugs will have her child automatically tested at birth (according to my OBGYN). Also, if a child is born showing any signs of withdrawl they will be tested. With marijuana there is no physical dependency so the baby will not have any symptoms, however, if it has been recorded they will still test and CPS will take the child into protective services until a hearing is set. I live in California and medicinal marijuana is legal. I was advised to smoke in order to control my hyperemisis, however, after researching (not on line or governemt related articles) I found that there are some effects of marijuana. The only ones that have been proven is that it can cause hyperemisis, prolong labor causing a need for c-section, there can be excess meconium in the amniotic fluid which is a sign of fetal stress, extreme rapid labor and the need for resuscitation after birth. Other studies have suggested, but can not prove, that it leads to social disorders such as ADD and learning disabilities. Smoking with the baby in the room, however, is a different story and can cause complications throughout develpoment. Can does not mean it will, but there is a possiblity. I know this post is old, but there is a lot of incorrect information out there. Keep in mind that marijuana is one drug that is different across cultures. Those who smoke for religious purposes or cultural pruposes, or for health reasons are not being horrible mothers. Just because it is not acceptable in one country does not mean that it is that way in every other. I know this is long, but I've done a lot of research on it, and the effects of marijuana in general before my pregnancy. Basically, in the USA baby can be checked without permission and will test positive anywhere between 4-8 weeks after usage. It is recommended that you quit at least 3 months before you are due to be on the safe side. It will not cause a miscarriage and no one can prove that there is any correlation between marijuana usage and birth defects, learning disorders or any other complications other than the ones previously mentioned. This is not an open door to smoke pot while pregnant, because of course it's not a good idea to do anything when studies are still being done and the evidence is inconclusive. However, if you are smoking marijuana the stress that you may have over whether or not it will hurt your child is more harmful than the marijuana itself. This may not help Leah, but hopefully it can help others. :)


s_xee - April 21

Wayne I think that the statment that you made was very ignorant! You do not get on a womens website for pregnant women and make a statment saying I will eat your babies! That is sick! And for Leah, I think that it would be very wrong of you to have your sisters baby tested. I think that you should talk to her first.


Ddvinson3 - May 8

My friend just had her baby girl 2 months ago and smoked through her whole pregnancy. Her baby was 1 month early and did test positive for marijuana and they (social services) took the baby from her. She hasn't been able to see her baby for 2 months now and has to go to court and get it resolved but is still probably not going to get her baby back. But it's your decision and you have to deal with the consequences if any so it's your choice but I just wanted to let everyone know!


Brandie in Ga - May 11

I had a friend who smoked with her children and they are all fine but Im currently 28 weeks along and have not touched pot in over a year...Every woman has a right to do with her body as she chooses but me personally I chose not to smoke pot for 2 reasons,,,1,My doc drug tests at every visit and 2.I dont know the effects it could have on my child.Yes I do smoke cigarettes though and I did with my other 2 pregnancys also and they came out fine.We cannot jump on someone for the choices they make.We wont always agree instead we learn.


kacey2008 - August 5

look who care if it causes promblems with your family turn her in that is not a good thing for a baby to be exposed to... i understand you love your sister but do whats right and get that baby out of that house honey what would you do if something happend to that baby while they were high how could you live with that im not trying to make you mad but do the right thing is Social Services found out that you knew about the mother and them doing this you to could be in trouble. hope things work out for the best Kacey


bree12 - August 8

FYI: I work for Child Protective Services and have received many many reports regarding substance exposed newborns. I can verify that hospitals do test women and their babies for drugs without the mother's knowledge or consent. If you or your baby tests positive for drugs a report will be called into Child Protective Services and your baby can be removed from you care. CPS differs from state to state, in California if you give birth to a substance exposed newborn, whether it is marijuana or meth your baby will be removed from your care. In Arizona it depends on the situation. So.... I would suggest not smoking during pregnancy so that you do not risk your child being placed with CPS



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