Implantation Bleeding -pg119017374082
1 Replies
I had some spotting Sept. 10 - 13 eventhough I am not supposed to get my period until Sept. 21. I thought this might an early period, but it was very very light and hardly enough for a tampon, I just used a panty liner. My husband and I have been TTC since July 07. My br___ts feel OK, but I have been having headaches and HORRIBLE dreams. I have noticed that I am also warmer than usual. I sweat more and don't always need to bring a jacket or sweatshirt when I go out. Can anyone relate to this?? If I don't get my period on Sept. 21 I am going to get a test :) ?
| k. - September 19 |
Sounds like implantation bleeding... Let us know when you test... good luck.