Very Confusing Ultrasound
3 Replies
My doctor told me that my due date was august 24, which would make me 13 weeks now...I had my first sonogram yesterday with a different doctor and he told me that I'm ten and a half weeks prego...the baby is about an inch and a half...when I told him the date of my last period he just said not to worry the sonogram is going to be more accurate next time I go in...and that not all women ovulate 11 to 14 days after they period like they say...did that happen to any of you? I really don't know what to think of this...and wether to believe if I'm 13 weeks or 10 weeks...
I would go by the u/s dates as they are the most accurate, the have a margin of error of 5-7 days, the earlier the u/s the more accurate it is. The dr says ovulation usually occurs 11-14 days with women that have a 28 days cycle but it is easy to ovulate late and have the egg implant late as well pushing back your EDD (expected due date) take care
Hi, don't worry about your first ultrasound. I knew exactly when I ovulated and got pregnant, and my first ultrasound said that I was 6 weeks pregnant but I knew that I was 8 weeks... But early ultrasound are not accurate.. When you go for your next ultrasound between 16 and 20 weeks, it will be more accurate.
Hey yeah that is pretty confusing! in my first pregnancy (this is my second)...i THOUGHT i was like 6 months and my due date was in the middle of dec. and when i went for an ultrasound (i went pretty late due to certain things...) the baby measured earlier...and my due date was pushed almost a month ahead...i couldnt believe yeah i would go by ultrasound dates because they are pretty accurate...but in your situtation i would prolly wait until your next ultrasound and see where the baby measures then....good luck!