What Month And Date I Conceived
35 Replies
if my child is born on march 25th, what month and possible day was she conceived?
if my child is born on 4th of december 2005 what month and day was she concived?
if my baby is due october 15 2005 what day conceived
my baby was conceived on may 31st when is it due
I am due november 28-dec11 what month and date did I conceive?
my baby is due on september 18,2005
what month and day did i conceive.
if my period was February 22, what month and possible day was conceived
Victoria, ur last period was prolly around Dec.11th/04 so u conceived ur baby around Dec. 25th if ur on a reg. 28 day cycle.
Erica, you prolly conceived that baby arount March the 8th.
Michelle, you probably conceived around Feb 21-March 7th
Nikki, ur baby is due Feb 24th
If the first day of my last period was August 30 when did I conceive?
Cilla..If your due date was March 25th give or take a few days you would have conceived June...early June
Beth..If would be Late Feb. early March.
Michelle..March or April
Amber..you would have conceived 09/13..due date would prolly be about 06/06 give or take
if my baby is born on december the 14th, when was he/she conceived?
My LMP was on june 6th 2005. when did i conceive
emily, well am due on the 4th dec and they tell me i conceiveth 7 to 12 so you sohuld be around that area aswell as you a ten days a head of me so work it out from my dates