When Did I Conceive-pg117087564718
3 Replies
i cant remember my last period but the doctor says im due oct 6th and 5 wks. does that make since. can you tell me when i concieved
Ok you can count back 7 days from your due date so that would be September 30th then add three months that would be december 30th.most likely the First day of your last period) then add fourteen days which would be January 13 by most doctors calculations this would be the mostlikely day of conception. hope this helps
bre1~ Well I am due on Oct. 7th. My LMP was 12/31/06, I ovulated a couple days late (1/16/07) and I will be exactly 6 weeks tomorrow. It sound like you probably got pregnant 1/14-1/15/07 since we are due only one day apart.
Well going off the Dr.'s due date. Your...
Lmp: 12.30.06
Conception: 01.13.07
First Trimester will end: 03.24.07
Second Trimester end: 07.07.07
EDD: 10.06.07
As of 02.12.07 you are 6.2 weeks pregnant.
So on 02.17.07 you will be 7 weeks along. Making the fetus 5 weeks old.