It's been five weeks. I was doing ok but this week it's just killing me. Any coping advice?
Hi sbsbx
Its tough, I had a m/c in January and I still get days when I'm down, but it does get better with time. I don't think that there is really anything that anyone can tell you to make it better. You have to work through this and make peace with what happened.
After my D&C all I could think about was getting pregnant again & as the months went by every months brought a week of dissappointment & depression. But now that I worked through all my feelings, everything is a bit better.
I still get my off days, like when a friend find out she's pregnant or I see someone who is as far along as I would have been... But slowly but surely we get through it.
So just take your time, do what you need to do to work through your feelings...It will get better!
Thanks. Appreciate your comments. Wish there were something more immediate I could do or hear but in essence, you are right, I just need to take my time.