Low Hcg Level Pg1266589108
2 Replies
Had to go to the hospital last night to give blood because I started bleeding like a period with no pain. I am currently 5 weeks pregnant and just got my hcg levels and it is at 106 what is the normal
The range for normal early on is sooooo wide it is hard to tell. You really need a second test 48 hours later to see if it is going up by 60% (not necessarily doubling like you usually hear). It should double by 72 hours though. Good luck!
Aw I'm sorry your going through this tho the range is wide i do believe it kinda low mine was always low and a delivered a healthy baby boy I thought it was going to be the same way now but I miscarried a few days later. Good luck and God bless you and always keep in mind it isn't your fault and Gods timing is perfect