Pregnancy Symptoms After Miscarriage HELP

9 Replies
KLM - March 2

Hi, I miscarried on Jan 10 and was 8 weeks along. This is my first cycle since then and I noticed that I've had tender nipples about the last four days and was wondering if this could mean that I maybe pregnant again. Anyone had this happen and become pregnant after one cycle after miscarriage?? Any posts would be very grateful and appreciated!! Thanks


KLM - March 3



shellyc103 - March 4

I am going to through something similar I had a D and C on Feb 4 on Feb 25th I had light spotting that lasted less then 24 hours and my symptoms are back and stronger then before the D and C. I have no idea what I should do.


hope4thebest - March 4

I'm in a similar situation, I was told Feb 19th that I had miscarried- my HCG had dropped from 374 down to 79 in 3 days, I had been bleeding already for two weeks, and had been warned a miscarriage was likely to happen. I was 5 weeks along at that time. I hardly had any symptoms- except for a strong sense of smell. The dr wanted me to pa__s the miscarriage natually since I was already bleeding.. The bleeding stopped for a few days around the 23rd-- which is when I began having s_x again.. A few days later my b___sts started to hurt like they have never hurt before- my nipples are so sore i wear my bra to bed, I got out of bed this morning and vomited instantly, and omg my sense of smell is sooo good- its disgusting actually.. i feel naseous at the most normal smells.. Is it possible Im pregnant again already or have I not pa__sed the pregnancy naturally yet? I tested positive on a home test 2 days ago, i figured because my levels dropped by 300 in 3 days that the last 79 points would be gone in a day or two.. Sorry for the long story,, point is.. my symptoms are 100x worse then they were when I was actually pregnant.. could this be a good sign that another one is on the way?


hope4thebest - March 4

I forgot to mention I have a follow-up ultra sound March 9 to make sure all the tissue has pa__sed- so I can ask for a blood test then to be sure.. But thats almost a week away and I'm driving myself crazy wondering if im prego again!!


littlerose - March 6

I was also told on feb 19th that i had suffered a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks. I had a D & E the next day.I had light spotting for 1 day after and nothing since. I had all the symptoms of ovulating a week later (although i didnt think that this was physically possible this early on. Am still tetsing strong positive on pregnancy tests and my hcg is still raised but was falling at my last test a week ago. My G.P informed me that you can still ovulate if your hcg is still raised from a previous miscarriage as long as it is falling. Over the last few days i have strong pregnancy symptoms again (these dissapeared around the time that i had the nicarriage. I really don't know what to think? Any ideas?


nino3 - March 9

Hi, i got pregnant by mistake last month. I tested eraly cause i knew i had messed up on my pills and it was positive with three different tests. I went and had a bloos test and they said my levels were low. I ended up havinag a miscarriage. Anyways, i felt very pregnant the day i started bleeding, even throwing up. Me and hubby have opted for using the pull out method instead cause of the risk of this happeneing again. Thinh is i feel very pregnant again. I have tested but it has been negative. I have no clue when im supposed to get af or when i ovulated but is it possible to get pg after a miscarriage and with only pre c_m?


confusedcait - August 25

Hi, I am currently 18 and last year I became pregnant while on the pill and had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks when my HCG dropped to almost nothing (I do not recall the number.) I have been suffering with depression for about a year now and can't move on because my symptoms never went away. My b___sts are still tender (sometimes to the point wear its to painful to wear a bra) I have small cramps in my uterus, I have morning sickness almost daily, and smells make me vomit. I know that I can't be pregnant because I have an IUD now due to the pill not working. My doctor has been no help and just keeps running blood tests for the same thing. I know this cannot be normal. Does anyone know what is wrong with me?? Has anyone els experienced this??


smmom2 - August 31

To everyone on this page...the issue with symptoms after a m/c is due to hormones. The baby pa__ses, but your bdy is still filled with hormones and just like after carrying for a ful l 9 will take your body up to a year to get back to normal. Most of the time the symptoms go away with a cycle or two...your body will get back on track. COnfused...not only can it be hormones..but honestly the more you think about it and worry about it your body can believ it and 'fake' the symptoms. So try not to stress about it and focus on your current happenings....also...the IUD has been known the cause these symptoms and have cause many women to get it removed. It has to do with the hormones in the IUD and your body's reaction to them. There is a lower hormones dose IUD!


gregsbaby2009 - November 28

sorry i know this comes late. But I wanted you to know I had a similar situation. August 16th i started having a threatened miscarriage and the doctor said i would bleed for a couple days to a week and everything should pa__s natuarally. well it didnt because i keep having pregnancy symptoms and post_tive pregnancy tests. My husband and I thought we had twins and lost one and was still carrying one but then I went to the doctor again and they found from the ultrasounds my body didnt pa__s the baby and the products of conception was in still inside. I was 11 weeks, so my husband and i decided against a d and c because of scar tissue and used the steriod shot and some pill cant remember the name. it made me pa__s the tissue on my own along with ALOT of blood for 4 weeks but I am good to go now and we are trying again. Please if you hadnt already checked, please do because if you wait to long you could get an infection and it could cause you never to be able to get pregnant. I had almost waited to long.... :( I wish you the best of luck!!!!



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