Hi. I recently had a D&C done. 5 wks and 1 day ago to be exact. I had unprotected s_x 5 days after the procedure but my boyfriend didn't ejaculate inside me. A week later I had s_x again but this time protected. I still have not seen my AF but was told it would return 4-6wks after procedure. I had 2 clear blue digital tests lying around and decided to take one bc the week before I was feeling dizzy and gassy with heartburn. It came back positive. I took the other one later on in the day and it was also positive. I was thinking it may be residual hormones from the previous pregnancy and thought maybe the clear blue was so sensitive it was picking it up. I decided to buy a cheap brand and took these last night and this morning. Both positive. On all four occassions the positive reading did not take very long to show up. Could I be pregnant or could all these readings be false?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am away on vacation for another week and will not be able to see my doctor until I return. Thanks
any updates currently going throught the same thing?