Ovulation After Miscarriage Anybody

1461 Replies
Ann - December 2

I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! I started my AF... I got it this morning... Yesterday I had brown tissue and then BAM this morning I woke up and I got my AF. I dont think I have ever been this happy to get my period. Yay!!! So for the record I got my AF just about right on schedule after m/c. So I am going to start charting... Any advise? *** Daniella*** I am not sure why the corpus leutem is still there. They said it is irregular??? WHat ever that means... BUT I GOT MY PERIOD... YAY!!!!!! So I dont know about all the symptoms, but it may have been PMS. I have never had PMS before. Usually this whole thing is pretty on time and no pain. *** Thanks Candace fo your advice*** So this whole corpus leutem thing is an indication that I ovulated this month... I am def going to chart for now on. I thank you girls for everything!!! I guess I will be here for a while.


Dawn - December 2

ANN - That is great news! So glad that a/f finally made an appearance for you. Now you can start trying to figure out your cycle to try again. I can not offer any suggestions for charting. Have not had to do that to this point. I so wish I were in the same boat as you. Today is 58 days post m/c and still nothing. DANIELLA -- I took an HPT this morning as you suggested. I got a BIG FAT NEGATIVE :-( Like I said in my last post though, I am not too disappointed with that result as we wanted to wait until after a/f to ttc again. But this just means I have to continue on with the waiting game. Hopefully the cramping I felt last week was ovulation and I get a/f next week. I was thinking getting pregnant in Jan and having an Oct baby might be neat. Jan is my DH birthday month and Oct is the month we met. We shall see. Thanks ladies and have a wonderful weekend. Dawn


Tara - December 2

Sorry, I confused any of you.I posted here back in June then became pregnant in July. I just lost my second baby this year. I delivered a little girl that was only 18.5 weeks and she had Turners Syndrome and pa__sed away during delivery. It will most likely be awhile before I get my period or ovulate because I gave birth to my daughter. I do have two older children and was told that I needed to end the pregnancy because my little baby girl had no chance of survival and there was a risk to my life as well if I carried her any longer. It was the worst thing I have ever been through and because Im pro-life I wanted to give birth to her. If she would have had even a 1% chance I would have risked my life and carried her until she died . You can read my story on I had to terminate my pregnancy and feel horrible about it. I guess Im here because I would like to start charting my ovulation and try again someday,first my hubby and I have to heal from this experience.


nicole nelson - December 2

***tara*** i will sure pray for you and for you to be able to get through this. because i have had an abortion (3 years ago) and i am finally being able to cope with it. i know it is not the same situation. but i will still pray for you and if you would like you can e-mail me at queenofhearts19_2004@yahoo.com just if you would like someone to talk too. God bless you. good luck to all.


Ann - December 3

Tara*** So sorry for your loss. A little update on my situation. I am posting here and the new page. I am still confused where to be. So like BEE I will swing too.:)I had my GYN check for the after M/C and she says based on my cycles that I have a luteal phase defect. She has given me CLOMID to start on day 4 of this cycle and has me back to test on day 21. I was very suprised that she did that I was like do I need to wait a couple of cycles and maybe see how my body does and blah blah, she was like no! " Time is of the essence Ann." I guess after 2 years she thinks that I need it. She said this is the boost I need. I am 36. She said that the window is closing and I need to act now. She said this is extra insurance, and said that I will get PG. There is nothing wrong with me or him. It is a definate on the LPD. She looked at my levels for the last month and before and said that even if I get PG my luteal phase is off and M/C will result if I go it on my own. We had a heart to heart and I am going to do it. OH yes health ins does not cover it. It was $82.00 for 5 days of 100mg. gees- The things we do for love... I cant wait to see if this works...... The stats are in on the first 3 months and she said that I should respond in the 1st month. WOWWW how bout that for a day? Let me know when you start the new page..


Daniella - December 6

Ann- holy c___p!! I just read your post... Your doctor put you on 100mg of clomid for 5 days?? Oh my!! My friend was on 50mg for a whole year before her doctor put her on 100mg. I can't believe you dr. is starting you off at 100mg. And my friend didn't ovulate and you do. She had her tubes reversed and only one was open and she wasn't ovulating. Wow!! be careful!!!! Also, why she testing you on day 21 if your cycles are hardly longer than that? Usually they test around day 16 or 17 to see if you ovulated or not.


Daniella - December 6

Oh, and they started her on 4 pills first, just to see what happens. So, she was known to NOT ovulate and they gave her 50mg to take for 4 days starting at day 4. They had recently uped her to 100mg and after 3 months of no luck on 100mg's she went in and found out that she now has ovarian cancer because of it. She is only 28 years old. Thats why they usually start you off on the lowest dose to see what happens and only for 3 months and then off it for awhile. Then they up it if nothing happened.


nicole nelson - December 6

***ann*** i hope it works out for you. i guess i am going to have to go on birth control pills to see if my period will regulate. anyway. i wish you the best of luck. Good luck to all


Mrs. S-Texas - December 6

Hey everybody!!!! Long time no info from me. Well, just a little update. Yesterday was day 59 and no signs of af. I had 2 neg preg test the last two weekends in a row. Did not want to be bother doc due to the fact that the response I continue to get is " this is normal after a d&c." So, I got a second opinion from someone and they advised me that irregular menses are normal, but not for this long. Well, I decided to contact doc yesterday. She decided that she wanted to do some labwork (FSH, LH, TSH, INSULIN, PROLACTIN, HCG) to check my hormone levels. I told her that I know for a fact I cannot be ovulating because I know I would have been pg a long time ago!!!!!!!! So she told me to fast today and go get my labwork. Well, guess what? Today, day 60 of no af, I was leaving work to go to the lab when I felt a little gush. You guess it, af arrived!!!!!! I called the doc back and she recommended I go ahead and get the lab done anyway just to confirm or deny any hormonal problems that may have occurred. I just don't understand it. She will have my lab results tomorrow, so we will discuss what options we may have for example go on bc to regulate cycle for 3 months, start clomid this cycle, or if there is a hormonal problem figure that out first. I have gotten to the point that I am no longer being selfish because I already have kids, but you know how you just can't help yourself and you want to feel that void of the loss you suffered. That is what continues to take over my mind. If anyone experienced the symptoms that I am having since a d&c I am definitely open for any advice or suggestions. I read the post all of the time and I am very happy to see that all of our "Pregos" are doing great!!!!!!!!! I will keep you all updated on my lab results.


MelissaK - December 7

Ann - My doctor also put me on Clomid 100 mg for five days. This is something known as the Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test - to see how likely a women is to conceive using a__sisted reproduction. They check all of your levels Day 3 (FSH, LH and Estriadol). Then you take Clomid CD 5-9. Then day 10 you test again for FSH anbd Estriadol. There will probably be a progesterone test thrown in here as well, not sure yet, we all meet again around day 14 to discuss CCCT results and next steps. Clomid is widely used for LPD, which I have. Clomid improves the overall quality of your cycle, so for those of us with LPD, Clomid helps to get a better corpus luteum which will secrete more progesterone. It does not matter if you ovulate already, what is at stake here is improving the corpus luteum when you are suspected of LPD. I am 37 and kept having AF just 9 dpo. Daniella - your friend probably had ovarian cancer from being on Clomid for 1 year and longer. Typically if it does not help within 6 months, doctors are instructed to move onto a new course of treatment.


MelissaK - December 7

Ann - My 5 day 100 mg cost $30. This was at the pharmacy in the doctors building. I heard insurance does not cover this drug because of the risk of multiples - which is a higher cost to the insurance company (not totally sure on this - heresay but it sounds like a good reason).


Dawn - December 9

MRS. S-TEXAS --- So, it was not until 60 days after your m/c that you got a/f. Did you have a d&c or natural m/c? I went thru a natural m/c that started on October 5th. Today is 65 days and I have not gotten a/f. At least I do not think I did. Last Saturday night I had some cramping and on Sunday morning I had some light bleeding, allot of slippery cm and also pa__sed some tissue. Monday I had some light bleeding (not enough to use anything but could see when I wiped). I talked to my midwife yesterday and she said what I pa__sed on Sunday could be one of two things. 1) Part of the pregnancy that had been retained until now. 2) The cast or lining of the uterus and my first period. She said the first a/f after a m/c can be odd and may not include allot of bleeding. What was yours like? She told me I can wait another month and see what my cycle is like OR she also thinks enough time has pa__sed and if we want to start to ttc again I should be fine. I just won't know when to take hpt's since I do not know if this was really my first cycle or not. Any thoughts? Dawn :-)


Mrs. S-Texas - December 10

Dawn, no this is actually the third cycle since my mc on 071105. I actually had a d&c as well. The first cycle after my mc was 53 days and induced with provera. Then I had another cycle on my own on day 43. I had not had anything until now and this cycle was very heavy w/cramping. I had labwork done and everything came back normal. My doc did not discuss putting me on anyhing I guess bcuz I don't have a hx of infertility. She advised me to watch my cycles for the next couple of months. This could take forever though being that it is taking so long to have a cycle. I spoke to the nurse who recommended that if the next month I don't have a cycle after 35 days to take a hpt and then call back. This is bcuz cycles are considered irregular if they are longer than 35 days and we will go from there. This will be interesting. I am also waiting to see if I am going to have any breakthrough bleeding again this time as in between the other 2 cycles that I had. Will keep ya posted.


Daniella - December 12

melissa- sorry, what I meant when I wrote that she'd been taking it for a year, is on and off for 3 month cycles. NOT a whole year straight. I don't know a single doctor that would do that. Most don't let you take it for more than 3 months straight if you don't conceive. You are totally right about the testing. Also, there are other drugs that help progesterone than clomid. I would only produce enough progesterone that I would only ovulate (or even get an af) about 3-4 times a year and never enough to sustain a pregnancy. I started progesterone supplements (Crinone 8%) 13 days after ovulation/conception and I am now going on 19 weeks pregnant. Yet, I was on provera to induce my cycle for 5 days before I found out I was pregnant, which has progesterone in it. So, I was on progesterone day 8 after ovulation/conception. So, I know this is the only reason I have sustain this wonderful pregnacy. Some doctors have you take progesterone supps. right after you ovulate to build the lining of your uterus for implantation. Once you get AF, you stop taking the supps. BUT the thing is you HAVE to know 100% sure that you did ovulate before taking the progesterone supps. OR else it can suppress ovulation and you don't want that. Good luck!!!


Christi - December 12

Hi To All~ Well, just trying to hang in there...appt tomorrow for u/s to see if everything is growing accordingly. Ugh, I don't know why I feel like soooo much is riding on tomorrows appt. I guess maybe because IF everything is going well, I would be past the point of last m/c. Hopefully, the progesterone supps are doing their job, cuz I sure have some symptoms of pregnancy...but, not sure if it's just from the progesterone or both! Well, wish us luck!


Yvonne - December 12

Hi ladies. I am two months along and things are progressing well thus far. The only problem I've had to face is my prenatal vitamin making me absolutely sick. My next appointment is on the 28th of this month so I will be sure to keep those who are interested updated. ***Christi***...I know how you feel. I am past the point of my last miscarriage, but I still have some feelings of anxiety at times. I pray that all will go well for all of the "preggars" on this strand. Lord knows we deserve it!!! For those who are ttc after a miscarriage...take your time and let nature take it's course. Don't become so wrapped up in this that you don't enjoy the process. Much babydust to all!!!!



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